These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. The state record striped bass was caught from Lake Russell. Lake Keowee is at 98.4% of full pool and clarity is fairly normal. If you can locate schools of shad, stripers are often close by. An angler can easily find some of these areas looking at a map of Lake Keowee, and then concentrate their time during practice in these areas looking for brush piles, and hopefully the tournament winning fish. Located just below Lake Jocasse, the water is surrounded by pristine wilderness and picturesque mountains. Statewide except the water bodies listed below: Redeye (Bartrams) Bass. The next bait is a small, finesse jigging spoon. The Lake. To view his reports visit here. Once the lure is on the bottom reel the line till it is taut and shake the rig in place. 1. Be sure to tell us what book with the order. 12 inches min. Web Development by Internet Marketing Geeks. Clarity: 2 to 6 feet. The shoreline of Lake Keowee measures out to approximately 300 miles. We are a family-owned business committed to providing our customers with the best prices and customer service on all of our merchandise. Oconee County - A diverse, growing, safe, vibrant community guided by rural traditions and shaped by natural beauty; where employment, education and recreation offer a rich quality of life for all generations, both today and tomorrow. Generally Lake Keowee bass start to get into pre-spawn patterns in March, although in the warmest section of the lake near the hot hole fish can spawn as early as late February. Dude, this might be the lake record. Thought we were. Get a Head Lamp with White and Red Light. The two events reminded me of April 13, 1994, when I was flagged down by an angler. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Keowee's allure is its beauty, not the actual fishing. Sun Aug 21, 2022 7:38 pm. Smallmouth, spotted and largemouth bass can be caught on crankbaits, soft plastics, silicone jigs and hair jigs. That modest size can help shorten the fish-finding process, especially when fish are as plentiful as they are at Keowee. Lake Keowee is a unique reservoir that covers more than 18,000 acres in the Upstate. Black Sea Bass - Weight: 8 lbs 3 oz - Location: Atlantic Ocean - Fripp Inlet - Record set by Larry L. Hudson in 1995 Blue Catfish - Weight: 109 lbs 4 oz - Location: Tailrace Canal - Record. This is partly a result of Keowees unique geography and physical aspects, but also a result of the species that are in the lake. The area with the most sunlight is usually the best place to target bass. Click here for 30 day free trial! It does have largemouth bass, with two ten-pound fish caught in tournaments this spring, but the numbers are dwindling and DNR has launched a habitat restoration project aiming to re-grow native vegetation. If youre planning on heading out to Lake Keowee anytime soon, make sure to have your Premium CBD Melatonin Softgels packed. Tail should be pinched. It is recognized that some species of fish of larger size have been caught from Nevada waters prior to 1968. Fishing spots and baits to use at Lake Keowee? Rainbow trout. 114 N Port Bass Dr, Fair Play, SC 29643. Beginning at the extreme upper end of Lake Keowee, cool water pulled from the depths of Lake Jocassee, sometimes-strong currents, well-defined eddies, plentiful cover and normally abundant baitfish combine to give bass everything they could ever want below Jocassee Dam. Lake Keowee is at 97.9% of full pool and clarity is high on the main lake with the backs of major creeks stained. No more than 5 combined total of smallmouth, largemouth, redeye bass or their hybrids Spotted bass are not as finicky about presentations as are largemouths. Its an all-or-nothing spot, though, and sometimes they dont bite at all.. According to Texas Parks and Wildlife, the largest bass caught in Texas was an 18.18-pound largemouth reeled from Lake Fork in 1992. Campsites are available through reservation only and the fee is $15 per night. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Some waterfront lots are available with mountain views, with many other waterfront lots available. When Charles and I began to discuss the best time to fish together, it was obvious that it is hard to find a time when spotted bass will not eat on Lake Keowee. Before Lake Keowee was impounded all of the trees were cut down, and so there is no standing timber unlike in the lakes to the north and the south. Its kind of weird, Latimer said. We are a family-owned business committed to providing our customers with the best prices and customer service on all of our merchandise. You can catch a lot of fish some days by just working back and forth along the Skimmer Wall, Green said. The name brings joy to the heart of some anglers and tears to the eyes of others. Two styles of baits that will produce great results on Lake Keowee in the springtime are Alabama Rigs, and jigging spoons. Use a rig with a hook tied to your main line and a sinker tied to a lighter dropper line below it. The river channel runs to the west, and sometimes the fish will be along the break or by the deeper pilings.. For anglers who do not want to fish very deep there are some options in the cold months, and you can cast to points in 30-40 feet of water with a sinking jerkbait. Results as follows: There were two major tournaments on Lake Keowee this weekend, and on Saturday the BFL Savannah River Division had its first event of the season. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. The lake holds state records for five fish species, three of which come from the bass family. The lake covers approximately 18,000 acres of surface area and is home to excellent spotted bass fishing. Fish2much. 1:00 Larry Westmoreland has caught plenty of fish in his 70 years, but he'll be hard pressed to top the one he reeled in Saturday night while fishing at Lake Keowee. Anglers should also look for bait, although they should not count on marking fish. Outdoor. He wants natural colors and will fish spoons in white, silver, or some combination thereof. While there are random trout caught in Keowee each year due to nearby Jocassee or some of the feeder streams, DNR also does not stock it with trout. For 4-6 weeks the creeks are the best place to fish, but when water temperatures start to drop into the 50s there is another transition time in mid-December as fish begin to return to the main lake. Baitcasting gear makes this possible, and you also get less line twists and dont need a swivel like you would on spinning gear. We have these BASS fishing books and they are only $39.00 total. He has since expanded the blog to include gear reviews, fishing reports, and even recipes for cooking up your catch. Crickets are also the best bait. Last week he caught one at 60 feet, and a general rule for largemouth this time of year is that he catches them when he least expects it! The dike that impounds Lake Keowees Little River arm ranks as one of Greens favorite early-summer areas, especially in the morning. You have 100 feet of water only 100 feet out from a major point. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Temp: 55-60 degrees. South Carolina State Record Striped Bass. Buster Green understands Lake Keowees complexities. With maximum depths of 120 feet the water does not reach incredible depths, but because of the steep terrain there is a relative absence of flat, shallow areas. Smallmouth Bass. Lake Keowee is at 97.5% of full pool and clarity is normal. Ill start off with like a hard or soft jerkbait, maybe a Zoom Super Fluke or something like that, first thing in the morning, he said. Green shared some of his vast experience by hand-picking 10 spots that offer especially good prospects for early-summer fishing at Lake Keowee. Most Alabama Rigs sink at a rate of 2 feet per 1 second count. Large catfish like a good-sized meal and the movement of these creatures will get their attention. They know that winter is coming. 48 . Id have a green pumpkin jighead on, probably a wacky rig and some type of stickbait or single style bait.. It does have largemouth bass, with some large fish caught each year, but the numbers are dwindling and DNR has launched a habitat restoration project aiming to re-grow native vegetation. Affidavit must be filled out in entirely and returned to the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources within 45 days of catch. Lake Keowee spotted bass are still bass, and so they do follow some of the same general patterns that typify the species. You can catch them just casting to dark spots on main-lake points and islands, said Latimer. Known for its state record yellow perch, Keowee also has excellent largemouth, smallmouth, crappie and catfish opportunities. No Info . TECHNIQUES/TACTICS: Bass will hit in three major patterns on Keowee in May: a topwater bite off the ends of long points or humps early or late; deep humps or rocks in the middle of the lake; and fishing soft-plastics around shallow docks or bridge pilings. In fact, it is probably why they have out-competed native species. But in a day of jigging up spotted bass with Guide Charles Townson with nary a largemouth to be seen, it does not look like that is going to happen any time soon. -- Lake Keowee, SC Kowalski Fishing 351 subscribers Subscribe 9.3K views 3 years ago #Largemouthbass #Springbassfishing We went out on Lake Keowee to do some Spring time Bass Fishing. Anglers will want to strategically countdown the Alabama Rig to where it swims just above the top of the brush pile. 1 pick. Fowler operates the Fowler Fishing Guide Service on Lakes Hartwell and Keowee. Weight: 2lbs and 9oz., Length: 165in. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Your email address will not be published. Are there water moccasins in Lake Keowee? Some saltwater species are measured with fork length. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. While a spoon is Charles go-to bait, there are other options that will work. The day we fished it was very windy, and he never put it down in favor of a more finesse-oriented bait that would be harder to fish. As water temperatures warm up, bass become more active and move shallower. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. This is not always necessary because the swimming action and the look of the Alabama Rig is almost identical to what the fish are chasing in the springtime. Fishing Report for Largemouth Bass using Hard Jerkbaits in Spring (Pre-Spawn) ( Points) Focus on main lake points that fish will stage on as the move up in spawning areas. What fish are biting right now in South Carolina? The bad news is that Keowee certainly ranks as one of the most complex lakes in South Carolina. Shop by brand or reel type. This dive offers warm water and is performed as a drift dive due to the swift outflow from the waters in the power plant. BASS FISHING LAKE LANIER BOOK BASS FISHING, LAKE HARTWELL BOOK, BASS FISHING LAKE ALLATOONA BOOK, BASS FISHING CLARKS HILL LAKE BOOK and BASS FISHING WEST POINT LAKE BOOK. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Spots continue spawning way longer because theyre main-lake oriented fish.. Some of them succeed. Crawfish is a great meal to Spotted Bass in Lake Keowee because it provides a high protein meal, and the essential nutrients Spotted Bass need for extra strength when thinking about the spawn. No freshwater restrictions against treble hooks found in South Dakota. Clean water. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. It should not be used if you are pregnant or nursing. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. It almost made me give up on fishing, but I made myself learn how to fish Keowee, and it has made me a much better angler.. Loons will dive down and drive bait schools shallower, and then gulls will dive on them. There are bream and catfish in Lake Keowee, and with an 89-pound blue cat caught this spring that may be an-up-and-coming fishery on the lake. Consult with a physician before use if you have a serious medical condition or use prescription medications. I also prefer the South Cove area, not just for spotted bass, but for largemouth as well, Rubio said. Oh my god. When fishing for stripers concentrate on the deeper waters in the lake. Youll have to access Horsepasture and Toxaway by boat, but they are easily the most scenic of the four and are best for trout fishing in the summer months. Water temperatures were about 58 degrees the day we fished, and our first, best fish came in 74 feet and they all were in 60 plus feet. For bass fishermen, it can be a mix of both on the same day, maybe even just an hour or even a few casts apart. Keowees waters support all four black bass species that call South Carolina home. As the day progresses, the sun gets over the trees, it just really becomes simple. The fish might be on the bottom, or they might be suspended.. Florence. Are you in the know? While spots are roaming fortunately there are some particularly areas where it is worth looking for them, and the day we fished we spent a lot of time following creek channels. Lake Edwin Johnson is a 40-acre state-owned and operated lake in Spartanburg County in Croft State Park located between State Highway 42-390 and Cedar Springs Road. You can also target docks in the 15-25 foot range with a shakey head or Carolina rig fished very slowly. Years of experience provide major value at Keowee in June. The rivers temperature can vary from temperate in the shallows to near-freezing in open water. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. South Carolina's Lake Keowee offers spots and largemouths for savvy bass fishermen. Lake Keowee homes for sale have an average list price of $707,000. 2023 Revital Outdoors . Largemouth Bass; Spotted Bass; Crappie Rhinelander. In very cold weather Charles has had luck following birds. The size 2 is the most commonly used hook for the drop shot technique. For now and in the future If you want a guide to teach you about Keowee bass, show you around this pristine lake, and help you catch fish Charles would be very hard to beat. He had drop shot rigs on the deck, and he has also experimented with a Damiki rig. At the edge of the flat, the bottom drops sharply into the river channel, creating an outstanding holding area for June bass. February 5, 2018. Shad pattern baits and moving style-reaction baits are very key in the springtime on any Spotted Bass Lake. That is where we are right now, and on the day I fished with Charles bass were mixed between creeks and the main lake. All freshwater fish species in the state of South Carolina are measured using total length. For more information/ to book a trip visithttp://www.keoweefishing.comand contact Charles. Omnia recommended this gear for Lake Keowee, SC Hotbait Megabass Ito Vision 110 Jerkbait Mat Emerald Shad / 4 1/3" $24.99 Add to Cart . Copyright 2021 Keowee Anglers Club. Read now. Fishing on Lake Keowee in South Carolina can provide really strong days for tournament anglers in the springtime. Green said that, while current from the power-station discharge influences a fairly large area down the riprap bank on one side and spreads into a big cove on the other, most anglers only fish the immediate discharge. This is in part due to the efforts of the community to keep it clean and the fact that its water source is Lake Jocassee which receives clear mountain runoff water. Statewide except the water bodies list below: Ashepoo River; Ashley River; Back River in Jasper County and the Back River in Berkeley County; Black River; Black Mingo Creek; Bull Creek and Little Bull Creek; Combahee River; Cooper River system (see map, Temperate Bass Identification); Coosawhatchie River; Cuckholds Creek; Edisto River; Horseshoe Creek; Intracoastal Waterway (Horry County); Lumber River; Lynches River; Great Pee Dee and Little Pee Dee Rivers; Pocotaligo in Beaufort, Jasper, and Hampton Counties; Salkehatchie and Little Salkehatchie Rivers; Sampit River; Tulifinny River; Thoroughfare Creek; and Waccamaw River, Santee River system (see map, Temperate Bass Identification); includes Saluda River (Lower Reach), Oct. 1 - June 15 striped bass between 23 and 25 inches may be harvested except that one fish may be greater than 26 inches, June 16 - Sept. 30 closed except for Lower Saluda River where catch and release is allowed, Unlawful to take, attempt to take, or possess more than 5, Saluda River (Middle Reach) All waters of Saluda River from backwaters of Lake Murray at SC Hwy 395 upstream to Lake Greenwood Dam, Savannah River (Lower) All waters of Savannah River from its confluence with the Atlantic Ocean upstream to the Lake J. Strom Thurmond Dam, Striped, Hybrid or White Bass or a combination, How to Properly Measure a Freshwater Fish. The water from this body of water is used to cool the nuclear station. It's an unusual lake in this part of the country because it's about 30 miles long and has wide open expanses with water depths averaging 54 feet deep. Lake Keowee. He doesnt worry about putting his bait on the nose of the fish, because the more-aggressive spots will come off the area to hit a bait that has invaded its territory. Does Lake Keowee Have Alligators? Join AHQ Premier for unlimited Free Shipping & access to the AHQ Report. Popular freshwater catches throughout South Carolina include crappie, bream, striped bass, large and small mouth bass, catfish and trout. Caught fish on brush hogs and on jerk baits. Fish commonly concentrate on top of or just behind a sandbar that has formed just down from a washout hole, and relatively few anglers really target the sandbar. Charles fishes this on 12-15 pound fluorocarbon and sets the drag loose since there is very little that fish could swim into and get hung up. The bridge also attracts schools of crappie and is a popular spot for crappie fishing. Non-native spotted bass predominate, but largemouths are also quite plentiful. Gaffney High School Wins PBC Bass Bonanza on Lake Keowee. Charles has little expectation that fish will be set up today in the same area where he caught them yesterday. Lake Keowee Owned and operated by Duke Power, Lake Keowee is a relatively young lake and has been a source of energy and recreation since it was impounded in 1971. Fish hard or soft jerkbaits in low-light conditions. A lot of smallmouths live in Cedar Creek, but you can also catch largemouths by going up it.. Shop our collection of fishing rods to find the one that best matches your needs. Thats always a good tip for Lake Keowee, Green said. Prepare for success with accurate data about the type of fish that are caugh in Lake Keowee, learn what baits are used, and fish smarter with weather forecasts. 1060. Although best known as a winter spot because of the warmth of the discharge, this areas holds high numbers of fish year round because of the current, and the abundant structure and cover. Just below Lake Jocasse, the bottom, or some combination thereof the number visitors. The category `` Analytics '' near-freezing in open water shakey Head or Carolina rig fished very.. Once the lure is on the bottom, lake keowee record bass they might be on the deck, and sometimes they bite... Also get less line twists and dont need a swivel like you on! Are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet, crappie and catfish.. Its an all-or-nothing spot, though, and you also get less line twists and dont need swivel. And Keowee and they are only $ 39.00 total how you use this website be to! 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