Shortly before the Day of Unity. Hunter becomes paranoid and locks Flapjack in a cage to protect him, then asks Luz to help him take down Belos, he wears an owl mask to cover up his fear as they go looking for him, but it turns out to be just a possum, settling him, and Luz tells him that it's okay to be paranoid after everything they've been through, and Hunter admits that he just wants to keep everyone safe, to which Luz agrees and adds that she also wants to keep him safe too as she admits that she thinks of Hunter as a member of her family, which causes him to break down in tears, he and Luz return to the house, but his shadow bears a resemblance to Belos indicating that he is possessed, while at the house, Gus suggests that he and Hunter dress up as characters from Cosmic Frontier, which excites him. They try to fight Belos but are soon defeated. Hunter appears to enjoy teasing him, and describes King as "strangely endearing", although King doesn't take notice of his remark. However most are not trustful of him and suggest trading him for Gus, however Willow vouches for him after he mentions a breathing exorcise. It is currently unknown if he is aware that the Selkidomus Luz and Eda killed was merely a decoy.[8]. Luz then asks why the Golden Guard wanted to join the Emperor's Coven, and he reveals to her that he's a powerless witch who was taken in by the Emperor and had his entire future planned out. Luz is emotionally hurt, telling Hunter that he is not her friend as he is just "The Golden Guard". Hunter states in "Any Sport in a Storm" that he has never actually spoken to kids his age prior to the episode. Luz and Amity were shocked to learn that Hunter hung out with Willow, Gus, Skara and Viney. This also reveals Hunter has an interest in wild magic, having studied it quite thoroughly to the point of knowing some of the ways witches used to do magic back in the Savage Ages, although Belos seems to heavily disapprove of this interest. Luz and Hunter talk about what happened in Belos's mindscape, Hunter tells Luz not to tell them he's a Grimwalker, as he doesn't know if he's a witch or a human, but he is copy of someone Belos made disappear. Hunter wakes up in the Healing Homeroom and tells the others Adrian has Gus. The Golden Guard telling Alador and Odalia that Emperor Belos will be funding their research into making the Abomatons stronger. QueticoRaccoon. As well im useing the same photos as i cba getting more xD. Despite being raised to believe he was a witch; he was unable to cast magic; the false reason given was he was from a family of powerless witches. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. Eventually, Luz tells Hunter that she thinks of him as family, which makes him break down in tears, meaning that he feels the same way about her. At the end of "Thanks to Them", after being revived, his hair has grown longer, and his forelock has been restored, he has tissue damage from being possessed causing his scar to spread across his lower cheek to his nose, and right forearm, along with a new scar on his other cheek, and his eyes have turned hazel, he wears a wolf t-shirt that he made along with leftover parts of his Halloween costume, a black and yellow sweater wrapped around his waist, black slacks and green and black high tops. Or, Camila finally breaks the cycle of people knowing about Hunter's trauma and doing nothing. Soon he sees the Collector and King on a shooting star flying into Bonesborough and the others head into town. Hunter desires to be accepted by his subordinates, especially Darius, which stems from not having interacted with anyone his own age and being forced into a life of training which he believes was fun, but he is dumbfounded to discover that nobody believes in the Emperor's coven anymore. After Willow loses control of her powers, he talks her out of her rut and teleports her and Gus to safety. I couldn't upload the photo but in the mugshot they took of Eda (Luz in her body), her head just hit the 6.5 mark (not sure in metres or feet but I'll assume feet) so that means Eda is 6ft6! He pulls Luz aside and tells her of his sighting and reveals the plan to surprise her with the rebus. He and Luz watch as nine witches and demons are branded and slowly die. He would notice Flapjack pecking around the floor of the Old House, but he would not tell Hunter what he was looking for. Male After Willow sees him cosplaying as O'Bailey, she complements his costume and asks to borrow the book when he is finished, causing him to blush. When he is possessed by Belos, Willow fights to free him and cradles his head after Belos leaves his body. He has a fair complexion, a slightly hooked nose, dark magenta eyes, thick black eyebrows, a gap between his front teeth, bags under his eyes, and ash-blond hair that is shaved below the top, with a long, jagged forelock. Hunter finds himself wrapped in a vines and goes to look for Willow and Gus only to find Willow losing complete control of her powers and is forced to watch helplessly as she entangles Gus and himself while trying to free them only to make things worse. After succeeding in landing Kikimora's hand dragon, Luz goes to free the Palismen only for the Golden Guard to turn on her, in which Luz admits that she knows that Belos destroys palismen to gain strength and realizes that he could never be her friend, which seems to affect him emotionally, so he stands down and introduces himself as Hunter, only to be attacked by a disoriented Kikimora and holds her off while Luz escapes. Luz scrambled up and ran towards it desperately. Whether this is due to pragmatism or simply laziness is hard to say, but having said that, he does give Luz a sword and does indeed let them go after he believes the job is done. Hunter begins losing control of himself and peels of a bandage to find that Belos has entered his body through the cut on his finger and takes off after seeing him again, separating from Luz, but when she finds him, Belos has completely overtaken Hunter and forces him to attack Luz against his will. In season 3, Hunter's hair has been cut shorter to resemble Luz's Season 1 design, and it is cut down to a tiny curl over his forehead. However, it was soon revealed that Darius actually liked Hunter and simply wanted the young Golden Guard to rebel a little and to have a life and friends outside of the Emperor's Coven. Lumity grows up to be a height difference couple, with Luz being short and Amity being tall, and you cannot change my mind. FlapjackLuz NocedaWillow ParkGus PorterVineySkaraDarius DeamonneAmity BlightPrincipal BumpKingAlador BlightCamila NocedaVeeMattholomule The following day, as the others are about to search around town, he is forced to stay behind after cosplaying as O'Bailey. Allies He also remarks that King smells bad, before tossing the cage holding King to Luz. As they fly to the Head, he starts fiddling with the controls, much to the annoyance of Alador. Hunter is hesitant, knowing that it is dangerous for the palisman, but Hunter accepts him as his new staff.[10]. This makes Hunter believe he is going to be replaced, and he tries to get to Eclipse Lake before Kikimora. Shortly before Halloween, he and the others are in the Old House learning Spanish when Amity says they should do more. Instead of scolding Hunter, Darius praises him and gives him a scroll to contact them as he needs connections outside the castle. He and the students and staff of Hexside fight the Emperor's Coven and he speaks to Gus after he creates a sphere that traps Adrian and a few scouts in their worst memories and gets Gus to dispel it. The Boiling Isles During this time, Flapjack, a cardinal palisman, takes interest in the Golden Guard, but the guard is apprehensive and sees the creature as dangerous due to the fact that it is made of wild magic. She thinks she succeeded, and is surprised to bump into him still alive later. In "Hunting Palismen", Hunter's mask was depicted as a full helmet when held by Kikimora. [15], Hunter is voiced by Zeno Robinson. Amity reluctantly obliges, but Hunter immediately betrays her by tripping her down and rushes towards Eclipse Lake. Zeno Robinson[1] I can't find any evidence in the show supporting the theory, but I can find loads opposing it: Belos created Hunter to emotionally replace his brother, there's no reason to create Hunter as a female. How Tall Is The Golden Guard Owl House? Amity attempts to console the distraught Golden Guard, telling him that he too can find people that care about him for who he is, rather than what they want from him, like she did. In "Clouds on the Horizon", Hunter, Willow and Gus meet up with Luz as they prepare to stop the Day of Unity, Hunter tells Luz that he is given orders from Darius to protect her. However, the guards running the precinct do not recognize their superior due to his young age, and when the Golden Guard asks for his staff in order to prove his identity, Luz hides it behind her back. Later, when Luz tries to save him with the jacket, Hunter escapes with the glyphs in the jacket and arrives in time to save Luz from Belos, and they both escape the mindscape. Home Upon hearing him say it, Gus reveals he has been reading Cosmic Frontier books he found in the basement, Hunter also takes an interest in the series after Gus describes a clone character, Chief Engineer O'Bailey. As their friends join in, they try in vain to reach Hunter until Flapjack gets too close and Belos mortally wounds him, leading Hunter to regain control, where he officially renounces his loyalty to Belos, expresses a desire what he wants and things he likes and attempts to destroy the Titan Blood to prevent him from hurting anyone else, only for Belos to resurge and drown Hunter trying to retrieve the Blood. However, he warns both Eda and Luz that the emperor is not a merciful man before leaving. Minions After teleporting to the Titan skull, Hunter has made amends to his friends and returned to his cheerful self. He lets them go and claims they were unfitting for the Emperor's Coven, he even starting his own website and started talking with them. I never did anything to you. Grimwalker Hunter becomes insecure about his status as a Grimwalker and begs Luz not to tell anyone since he knows about her secret about her interaction with Belos as he understands the situation that she's in compared to his own, but also empathizes and worries about her well-being as they keep each other's secrets to themselves. Let me know if I should make a part 2 with other characters =) When he reunites with Luz in "Clouds on the Horizon", they are more sympathetic with each other. Hunter starting to understand what Flapjack is saying in "Eclipse Lake". Gus reveals he has knows what Hunter was since the Day of Unity and wanted the older boy to tell everyone himself. Emperor's Castle, Boiling Isles, Demon Realm Noceda residence, Gravesfield, Connecticut, USA, Human Realm (temporarily; formerly) At the end of the episode, he tells everyone at Hexside that Belos has been lying to everyone about wild magic and the Day of Unity, and then tells them the whole story. They watch Luz stay behind to keep the portal open, but King pushes her and the others through the door and it soon closes. When stranded in the Human Realm, the two spend time together trying to figure out how to return home. He finds out that Belos saying that the Titan has big plans for him was a trick to make him do what he's told and there have been many Golden Guards before Hunter and that all of the previous ones have all betrayed him. Enemies Hunter returns to his room to find that Flapjack has chosen him to be its wielder. After Alador destroys the factory and Odalia leaves, he and the others head to Kikimora's airship where the illusion wears off and Gus reveals Luz told him to mask her as Hunter. To make matters worse, a dragon attacks, causing the ship to crash-land near Latissa. He was initially hesitant to pry into the Emperor's memories at Luz's prompting, and still thinking Belos had good intentions, refused to listen to Luz that Belos was deceiving him, despite the increasing evidence she pointed out. In "Eclipse Lake", Hunter, joins his uncle as he tries to get the portal door to work, who explains that he needs Titan's blood to activate it, and Hunter expresses interest in the Human realm, to which he claims to have been there before and looks forward to returning, Hunter then becomes concerned about what Belos thinks of him when he's convinced that he may try to replace him, so he goes off to find Titan's Blood himself at Eclipse Lake while disguised as a coven scout to avoid detection from Kikimora, but his palisman joins him and gets him caught by Eda, King and Amity, who take him captive and lead him through the caverns to the lake. After Gus is taken to Adrian, Hunter convinces the students and staff of Hexside to help rescue him and calms the younger boy down after he traps Adrian and two coven scouts in their worst memories. As they get close to their destination, they are approached by Coven Scouts who say their ship is stolen. However, he gradually warms up to her, even revealing his name later on. They find that the town square has turned into a fantasy world filled with puppet versions of people being attacked by what appears to be Eda in her owl beast form, one of which is one of Willows Dads and when she races after him in a panic, Hunter drags her back before he is attacked, only for it to be revealed as a game of pretend made by King and the Collector and that Eda is actually Terra playing her. Season Three: "Thanks to Them" "For the Future" "Watching and Dreaming". Luz introduces Hunter and the others to her new palisman, Stringbean, and they watch her bond with the other palismen. Hunter fighting Amity in order to grab the portal key dangling from her neck. They have an unknown past history, which is implied to be negative as Lilith is shown to be jealous of, and to hold a form of contempt against Hunter, calling him a "brat" in "Separate Tides" and screwing up his poster when Luz asks her about him. When Luz told him that Kikimora was after him and that she wanted to help, he refused to believe her until he saw for himself, and even so refused her help, until he was left without options. Alongside Willow, Hunter manages to successfully befriend Gus, Skara, and Viney. Luz may have had the advantage now that she was armed with a staff, but the Golden Guard points out that no matter what she does, it won't end well for her; she won't attack him because she's too nice, and she can't fly away either because then she'd be leaving the rest of the palismen behind. Killed was merely a decoy. [ 8 ] Hunter and the others head into town witches and demons branded. 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