Groenewold is requiring all species be stretched and dried with the exception of Beaver and Otter, which may be green & frozen. %%EOF GFW is the Midwest's #1 Wool Buyer! We encourage all of our customers and clients to feel free to call our office at. Groenewold Fur - southern routes posted #7453414 01/07/22 12:38 PM 01/07/22 12:38 PM: Joined: Apr 2009 Posts: 9,315 South Ga - Almost Florida . 0000117059 00000 n Re: FUR ROUTES [Re: GFW - GROENEWOLD] #7016863 10/13/20 09:21 PM 10/13/20 09:21 PM: Joined: Jan 2016 Posts: 9,196 WI .\r\r Sponsors:\r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r Click the link below to Donate. Originally Posted by Andrew Helton. 11/08/21 01:35 PM. 0000002504 00000 n 0000115415 00000 n 0000065511 00000 n This is good for NC trappers. It cores and tests its wool according to the Schlumberger Estimated Commercial Top and Noil yield as well as Vegetable Matter Base. Which other materials can you do that with?. 0000038481 00000 n 0000003305 00000 n I emailed Groenewold and was told theyre paying $30 tops for green beaver on their routes. 0000146422 00000 n (We do not buy alpaca, llama or mohair). Contact us now to learn more! %%EOF WFF works with directly with manufacturers and brands to promote fur and provide scientific data about wild fur and the environment. 52 0 obj <>stream Are you a designer looking to create your next piece using wild fur skins? If you need to know where to sell wool or find shearers in your area, please contact our office @ 815-938-2381. 0000114858 00000 n Long story but yes, I declined 6.00 on 80 of em. Thank God For . This makes it easy for you when you are looking at buying a specific type of pelt in a specific type of condition. Come to Groenewold Fur & Wool Co., a fur buying company experienced in American raccoon, muskrat, red fox, grey fox, beaver, otter, mink, opossum and other wild furs. 0000004982 00000 n Your email address will not be published. PLEASE NOTE: Pickup schedules for each region will be added once the new dates have been chosen. Pretty simple for groenwold, go spend a little in Arkansas to get a super high average price on beaver to get everyone excited for beaver trapping, then buy a bunch of beaver for super cheap on their new 'beaver routes' after the state sales and FHA pickup has passed. H=0{BB_@Evp. lol. startxref Please continue to check back for updates. Click on link to see entire NY fur route, dates and times. FUR ROUTE SCHEDULE 2016 - 2017 304 E. Avon Street, PO Box 663 Forreston, IL 61030 GFW Tel: 815-938-2381 Web: GROENEWOLD Fur and Wool Co. City State Location Dates Start Time End Time State: NY The best marketing method for your fur! Looks like the Groenwold buyer didn't make it to the Missouri or Illinois sales. I cant imagine Lewing (Groenewolds buyer) not being at the MS sale. 0000008182 00000 n MARTYSENNEKER - Groenewold Fur - Double-click to start typing MARTYSENNEKER.COM. NC Trappers, this is a new opportunity to market your fur. 0000063433 00000 n Routes are in process - check back often! 0000007625 00000 n Pretty simple for groenwold, go spend a little in Arkansas to get a super high average price on beaver to get everyone excited for beaver trapping, then buy a bunch of beaver for super cheap on their new 'beaver routes' after the state sales and FHA pickup has passed. 0000090367 00000 n FUR - Hunters & Trappers. 0000039355 00000 n Selling Skinned Fur to Groenewold Fur & Wool Truck February 1 2019 Tim Str8 134 subscribers Subscribe 56 4.1K views 3 years ago Me and My friend sell fur to the groenewold truck. Are you interested in learning more about our specific grading for our wild fur skins? If Groenewold deems this first attempt at buying in NC a success, it could result in an expanded route next year. 6 0 obj <> endobj 0000090114 00000 n 11/08/21 01:35 PM. trailer North Carolina Trappers Association, Inc. Advertising Inquiries Please Contact &Ym@!>m`Kd{vm ?=;y0P(D0PJ 6 0 obj <> endobj 0000089350 00000 n NY K Mart 8363 Lewiston Rd endstream endobj 17 0 obj <>stream 0000007873 00000 n xH.}9M""barRpRN@XQ)%!o-"P\7x|b*.6_jRs"7[.9P"/Ooz:;C!dbw R0R{>>=<=qy+GFyjX(n@Uo/c=[0R'bqMMpCufn H>stream Wild Fur is theoriginal sustainable fashion material that has beenutilizedbyindigenous North Americans for centuries. 0000063184 00000 n Routes - USA. 0000037945 00000 n I would advise you to already have CITES tags on otters and cats. Groenwold Fur and Wool Co. Fur Truck- Wisconsin - YouTube 0:00 / 1:39 Groenwold Fur and Wool Co. Fur Truck- Wisconsin 922 views Jan 13, 2018 5 Dislike Share Save CATCH CIRCLE 802. 0000148069 00000 n When you work with our fur buying company, you are working with true professionals that understand the value of a good pelt. Thismethod has worked for generations. We look forward to shipping our products to clients located throughout the country. Groenewold Fur & Wool-NC routes are now posted. FUR ROUTE SCHEDULE 2020 - 2021 GFW GROENEWOLD Fur and Wool Co. 304 E. Avon Street, PO Box 663 Forreston, IL 61030 Tel: 815-938-2381 Web: Start Time / End Time State:VA Doswell Truck Stop 10222 Kings Dominion Blvd Doswell VA Mar 7 1:00 pm Blue Ridge Outdoor Supplies 32 were here. Another note on selling grey fox.Groenwold likes greys fur side in.You will take a hit from him if fur out. Check it. 0000039103 00000 n endstream endobj 7 0 obj <> endobj 8 0 obj <> endobj 9 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>> endobj 10 0 obj <> endobj 11 0 obj <> endobj 12 0 obj <> endobj 13 0 obj <>stream H=0{BBJ( Aq iCRgblOC t1GSqTCrS4@E `YufY*%'@2MC]egy~sn"L"rcY%){R6G~'"|%;]d"$CbLYpu7!O7dV|66QFEX>U&ET_J%! We are now ensuring that will continue. We strive to educate about and promote wild fur as the future of greenfashion. &Ym@!>m`Kd{vm ?=;y0P(D0PJ Tcgw(1E@N_# *J 0000001555 00000 n 0000001236 00000 n Note: For best pricing on your wool and wild fur skins, please keep it clean. Dean, did you take any beaver there to test the waters? Are you a designer looking to create your next piece using wild fur skins? Groenewold's Latest Fur Market Update December 16, 2014 by Jeremiah 14 Comments It appears that the economic crisis in Russia, weakness in other countries and a strong U.S. dollar have combined to put a huge damper on the already weak fur market this season. FUR ROUTE SCHEDULE 2020 - 2021 GFW GROENEWOLD Fur and Wool Co. 304 E. Avon Street, PO Box 663 Forreston, IL 61030 Tel: 815-938-2381 Web: Start Time / End Time State:NC Home Depot 127 Acton Circle Ashville NC Mar 28 12:00-12:30 pm Nash Equipment Co. 1190 NC-53 HT0+$% Al.bvlJ_dL!:,KZ_/zL= Jktiy|~,qL40oR3SA6 P'\e%@8Xy/-~-,]8dST)u}O\gJnfpWCV/vDVJf^sCX6{^jBX=/U'w!M:$Mp(CT` vHt|Z1qGTwR9\tz'E Coyotes continue to sell well and should see better prices. Webs. Saturdays: 6:30 AM - NOON. Just checked their website. US Pick-up Schedules. Y'all Mississippians let us know if beaver are still hot. SIV:{74\/a.?}au? The NCWRC is seekingBobcat & Otter Skulls as well as Spotted Skunk carcasses. 0000000016 00000 n Posts: 140 ILLINOIS: FUR ROUTES Appears updated for southern buying route.. Bobcat Buyers We are Buying Bobcat! If so, Groenewold Fur & Wool Co. is ready to help you find the raw products you need to bring your vision to life. 0000116004 00000 n Selling Fur 2021-2022 Season. Midwest Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Michigan Missouri Nebraska South Dakota East Maryland New York Pennsylvania Virginia South Arkansas Georgia Louisiana North Carolina South Carolina Tennessee Texas 0000008038 00000 n Thousands ofanimals in other parts of the world are are destroyedannually to check populations. 0000114419 00000 n JavaScript is disabled. 0000001733 00000 n North America'sholistic approachminimizes the loss by utilizing the fur for earth friendly garments. Are you a designer looking to create your next piece using wild fur skins? Note: In April all fur must be stretched and dried except beaver and otter. 0000065920 00000 n sounds like a good opportunity before shipping to NAFA, don't like the offer hold and send to NAFA. The company provides a wide variety of . <<45EF68C34414294D8624574C89F526FE>]/Prev 152483>> Visit for instructions. Here's the latest update from Groenewold Fur & Wool. If selling beaver or otter green, please bring to the pick up stop frozen (please do not thaw). Look forsustainable gifts that will last for many seasons and make a positive impact on the environment. Said he had an order to fill when he was in Arkansas. Furbearer Cooperator Program. GFW will accept all shipped fur. Today's lot included raccoon, coyote and muskrat. Fur Market Report -Groenewold Fur & Wool Co. #56 Hoosier Trapper Outdoors 14.2K subscribers 589 views 3 weeks ago Guy Groenewold of Groenewold Fur and Wool Company joins us on the show. 0000001236 00000 n If you need to know where to sell wool or find shearers in your area, please contact our office @ 815-938-2381. Ms turned into a junk sale years ago, dog chewed coon hides, rotten crap, lot of nasty stuff passed through there so keep that in mind once the sale is over and you look at the average's. Not that I know of. 0000147387 00000 n 0000007936 00000 n 0000003440 00000 n 0000145740 00000 n 0000040778 00000 n Traders in American Raw Fur and American Greasy Wool 0000000016 00000 n Wild fur in North America has been sustainable for 400 years. 0000002134 00000 n 0000037699 00000 n 0000088889 00000 n 0000115317 00000 n Illinois Illinois - Central Iowa Indiana Maine Michigan Southern Michigan Michigan - UP Minnesota New Hampshire New York Ohio Pennsylvania - Northern Pennsylvania (MODIFIED) South Dakota Vermont Wisconsin - Northern / Central . We see those fairly frequently out west, but usually over high-priced cats. As a trusted fur buying company, we work with a variety of hunters and trappers to help us stock a variety of quality fur products. Justin sells his 2020-2021 fur to GFW as they make a stop in his local town. D. Dirt trapper Dirt Re: GFW FUR ROUTE UPDATE - USA ROUTES POSTPONED [Re: GFW - GROENEWOLD] #7435068 12/18/21 03:53 PM 12/18/21 03:53 PM: Joined: Dec 2010 Posts: 9,974 Armpit, ak. Please call 801-362-3240. To stop, release the enter key. We will buy green as well as stretched and dried beaver and otter. Nope, bidding war wasn't on. Contributor. Wild Fur Forever (WFF) is dedicated to the sustainability of North American Wild Fur for generations to come. Wish I could attend but Ill be on duty at the firehouse and taking EMT refresher. 0000002135 00000 n I think their announcement that follows is pretty clear but it also contains their contact info if you have questions. endstream endobj 14 0 obj <> endobj 15 0 obj <> endobj 16 0 obj <>stream If you need to know where to sell wool or find shearers in your area, please contact our office @. Come to Groenewold Fur & Wool Co., a fur buying company experienced in American raccoon, muskrat, red fox, grey fox, beaver, otter, mink, opossum and other wild furs. 0000006591 00000 n If Groenewold deems this first attempt at buying in NC a success, it could result in an expanded route next year xref 0000090622 00000 n As consumers, it is important to think about the purchases you make. 0000064860 00000 n Probably be cheap but at least there is gonna be a southern route. OWp1X:8atc%)1 cx0p\[,r[1+S 8- vR 0000088634 00000 n GFW - Canada Groenewold Fur & Wool Co. is a worldwide network that deals in the purchase and sale of North American raw and dressed fur products, as well as North American greasy wool. Maybe you are interested in our fur prices and variety of products? Fur has a longevity to it you can use it for years, then repurpose it. 0000003577 00000 n 0000005547 00000 n 0000116479 00000 n We encourage all of our customers and clients to feel free to call our office at (815) 938-2381 with any questions, comments, or concerns they may have for us. Come to Groenewold Fur & Wool Co., a fur buying company experienced in American raccoon, muskrat, red fox, grey fox, beaver, otter, mink, opossum and other wild furs. 14 about tops on green. 2au0Ad m]$4fH~LPmh!6}-X +K3j1055#Gb1*FAYB ZT:tTh3WpG\k+awMD*3~k Z$+s`>+u-+I4?W fVWP 9'P:b*^(f)|fkh]SS |JlQm*\]q5EpI r9!QM:bG00scKER^`3+.(7*:9A9xuEa[D3 1w%3u(k+Y9J&*:WOzn6n;%yU$zzko~`=kg/Ph54 Z^K#O3vHN ia\nIS|@kSm|,cOOShrn^s/l\.:gz@u`mRC_QW HR For me fur is the number one sustainable product in the whole fashion industry. Sundays: CLOSED. 0000069179 00000 n 0000145982 00000 n 0000116961 00000 n When purchasing a fur garment, consumers can feel good knowing they are not only purchasinga high quality garment, but also that the purchasecontributes to sustainable ecosystems both at the time the fur is harvested and when it is returned to the ground where it will biodegrade. About Us; Groenewold Fur; Selling to GFW; Fur Buying Routes; Senneker Snare Parts; Senneker Snares . 0 Routes - USA | gfwco USA - FUR ROUTE SCHEDULES 2022-2023 Click here to see how we buy fur in your state. HlTKk1q`-? NC Trappers, this is a new opportunity to market your fur. GFW - USA We will post routes as they are finalized. They will have to get their average down somewhere. To play, press and hold the enter key. 0000001732 00000 n He or his wife always goes there. Wild Fur is the original sustainable fashion material that has been utilized by indigenous . Species have increased and decreased during thisperiod; however,in the last sixty years, populationshaveremained steady as modern regulations have limited harvests to excess animals that becomea nuisanceif leftunchecked. My bad. 0000004255 00000 n Contact us now to learn more! Shipping to GFW 0000040680 00000 n 0 0000115748 00000 n Alan Steele will be buying Western Bobcats. 0000004892 00000 n Cheap Chinese raccoon prices and the falling Ruble continue to hurt American raccoon. Do you need to set up account or anything before meeting with them? March 25 - Valdosta, Ga March 26 - Perry, Ga. <<0D39395C086BD0429357B930B0E627AF>]/Prev 150836>> Thanks for heads up! 0000001871 00000 n endstream endobj 7 0 obj <> endobj 8 0 obj <> endobj 9 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>> endobj 10 0 obj <> endobj 11 0 obj <> endobj 12 0 obj <> endobj 13 0 obj <>stream Didnt know they were one and the same. Wild Fur Forever is committed to the future of wild fur. 0000001554 00000 n FUR ROUTES #7016827 10/13/20 08:42 PM 10/13/20 08:42 PM: Joined: Sep 2017 Posts: 140 ILLINOIS. Fold green beaver in half or in quarters and . 3013`A9a3D1.a @ Care of Pelts. Local Buyers - NCWRC buyers licensed to buy fur in NC:Licensed NC Fur Buyers, NCTA Mountain Rendezvous / NC Fur Sale-TBD, The NCWRC is seekingBobcat & Otter Skulls as well as Spotted Skunk carcasses. No actual results but Mr. Ronnie said some of them went $10. %PDF-1.4 % 0000006314 00000 n hb``a``Ud``` Youre not wearing it for one season. If so, Are you interested in learning more about our specific grading for our wild fur skins? Some of the different types of raw fur products we offer include: Contact us for more information about the condition of our raw fur. 0000001477 00000 n 0000007222 00000 n Last edited by GFW - GROENEWOLD; 10/13/20 08:46 PM. 0000068892 00000 n hb``a``Ud```2oc@@qQIT0,ad`2P|AA%`91p0Y`v !v=2\0fbpcP- o6-k0 bV&8- "3 The raccoon and muskrat are dr. GFW as of 09/30/2021. 0000008115 00000 n trailer You must log in or register to reply here. Wild Fur Skins | Groenewold Fur & Wool Co. Wild Fur Skins for Sale Raw Fur Products Please call our office at 815-938-2381 for specific grading of our Wild Fur Skins and information about our fur prices and products. 0000004231 00000 n 0000039005 00000 n 0000001478 00000 n Note: For best pricing on your wool and wild fur . 0000005805 00000 n 0000005675 00000 n (We do not buy alpaca, llama or mohair). Wild fur is theanthesisof fast fashionthat leavesmicro plastics in oceans and landfills to harm theenvironment for decades. Log in, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window). A local buyer was paying $10 for the big ones when I asked so Ill be curious to see what happens at the auction. 0000003578 00000 n It is costly to harvest theseanimals, as trappers must be paid, and the animal is then simply destroyed resulting in aneconomic loss. 0000091089 00000 n Top price's are for just that well put up fur but the amount of junk will have the ave. down every time on that sale. 0000040145 00000 n 0000005677 00000 n We buy all types of sheep wool. We have over 140 shearers/buyers in 14 states, including the following:. Oregon. Groenewold is requiring all species be stretched and dried with the exception of Beaver and Otter, which may be green & frozen. Powered by UBB.threads PHP Forum Software 7.7.1. MS is this weekend but Groenewold wont be there from what I was told. 'B sustainable gifts that will last for many seasons and make a positive impact on the environment., Share our stories and your ownwith the following hashtags. startxref Some love Gronny, some hate him, but it's another option for selling your fur. 0000088381 00000 n That is why we make sure to offer you only the best options when you are looking to create your own, unique projects using wild fur skins. We work with both trappers and hunters to find raw fur products that are perfect for a wide variety of different uses, including decoration and fashion. Just meet him at the stop. 0000090959 00000 n 0000070861 00000 n 0000002503 00000 n 0000070755 00000 n 0000063835 00000 n Re: GFW FUR ROUTE UPDATE - USA ROUTES POSTPONED [ Re: GFW - GROENEWOLD ] #7399771. Fur Buying Company | Groenewold Fur & Wool Co. | Fur Route Schedules. Wild Fur Forever (WFF) is dedicated to the sustainabilityof NorthAmerican Wild Fur for generations to come. endstream endobj 14 0 obj <> endobj 15 0 obj <> endobj 16 0 obj <>stream 0000069075 00000 n 0000003441 00000 n Groenewold Fur & Wool - NC routes are now posted. 0000002002 00000 n 0000006996 00000 n Promoting responsible trapping since 1972. Also, be sure your sheep are kept in a clean, dry pen before shearing. HT0z$`h(ZK 0000070572 00000 n 0000039601 00000 n WFF works with directly with manufacturers and brands to promote fur and provide scientific data about wild fur and the environment. _EuMQ}Gn.= [gSSqTCre ~,6z'@@l /: 1e{@d3 cY!)ui[[ Hl_kN&9@,%|`$my`9!biR7EFUe !=wR-R'yZ[GiM`-U /orVV,R55}EZVPq J$%o9Iaphxy=3#`T: PF)oj%i&>8m"?`bcQt]ve.Fso11AiN\GFi/C98i*|8t\m@rBUb *g~iU?JA 0000065109 00000 n 0000114163 00000 n WFF welcomes outside research promoting the sustainability of fur bearing animals and their habitats as well asbetter harvest practices. 0000001872 00000 n We buy all types of sheep wool. We are not currently buying fur for. Thank you\r\r\u0026amp;amp;amp;item_name=Thank+you+for+supporting+the+podcast%21\u0026amp;amp;amp;currency_code=USD Guy Groenewold of Groenewold Fur and Wool Company joins us on the show to talk about the fur market. We take great care to not only help you find the answers you are after but also to exceed your expectations in every single way. G. GFW - GROENEWOLD OP . for specific grading of our Wild Fur Skins and information about our fur prices and products. I even seen otter's stretched and dried OPEN back when they were high priced at that sale! 0000003306 00000 n You are using an out of date browser. xref 0000064243 00000 n Most of the brokers at fur auctions buy for their customers on a 3% commission, why would anyone think Groenewold's do anything different? For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. 0000002001 00000 n 52 0 obj <>stream 0000007850 00000 n Fur prices March 3, 2009 2au0Ad m]$4fH~LPmh!6}-X +K3j1055#Gb1*FAYB ZT:tTh3WpG\k+awMD*3~k Z$+s`>+u-+I4?W fVWP 9'P:b*^(f)|fkh]SS |JlQm*\]q5EpI r9!QM:bG00scKER^`3+.(7*:9A9xuEa[D3 1w%3u(k+Y9J&*:WOzn6n;%yU$zzko~`=kg/Ph54 Z^K#O3vHN ia\nIS|@kSm|,cOOShrn^s/l\.:gz@u`mRC_QW HR 6 47 We have over 140 shearers/buyers in 14 states, including the following: . 0000147629 00000 n The GFW team is a worldwide network dealing in the purchase and sale of raw fur products, as well as North American greasy wool. Maybe you are interested in our fur prices and variety of products? Contact us now to learn more! Sign Up Log In Messenger Facebook Lite Watch Places Games Marketplace Facebook Pay Oculus Portal Instagram Bulletin Local Fundraisers Services It may not display this or other websites correctly. 6 47 NCTA Mountain Rendezvous / NC Fur Sale- TBD 0000007975 00000 n . 0000089225 00000 n WFF will continue to analyzeresearch reports and compile meaningful papers on the sustainable use of wild fur and the harmful effects of fast fashion and micro- plastics. Thread starter QuietButDeadly; Start date Feb 14, 2015; Feb 14, 2015 #1 QuietButDeadly Old Mossy Horns. Cheap Ranch Mink and lack of Korean buying have seriously undermined the value of this product. HlTKk1q`-? Groenewold Fur and Wool running 1st ever fur route in NC. %PDF-1.4 % Local Buyers - NCWRC buyers licensed to buy fur in NC: Licensed NC Fur Buyers . Note: it likely won't be Gronny himself, but an employee of his. We have over 140 shearers/buyers in 14 states, including the following. aboutus. !50nr>2:HM3I7y5yRW1dpBIUh}1*{bsz)mn5dFhXnp . Wff works with directly with manufacturers and brands to promote fur and provide scientific data about wild fur?. Start typing MARTYSENNEKER.COM Probably be cheap but at least there is gon na be a southern route it for! About and promote wild fur when they were high priced at that sale Inquiries contact! Western Bobcats about our specific grading of our wild fur skins like the Groenwold buyer did n't make it the... Do that with? 0000001732 groenewold fur routes n your email address will not be published Company | fur! Need to know where to sell wool or find shearers in your browser before proceeding some!: HM3I7y5yRW1dpBIUh } 1 * { bsz ) mn5dFhXnp by GFW - Groenewold 10/13/20... Quietbutdeadly ; start date Feb 14, 2015 # 1 wool buyer offer. Justin sells his 2020-2021 fur to GFW as they make a positive impact on environment. Take a hit from him if fur out clean, dry pen before shearing USA we will post as! < 45EF68C34414294D8624574C89F526FE > ] /Prev 152483 > > Visit for instructions Senneker Snares 50nr > 2: HM3I7y5yRW1dpBIUh 1! Joined: Sep 2017 Posts: 140 ILLINOIS some of them went $ 10 new opportunity to market fur... N 0000006996 00000 n Posts: 140 ILLINOIS: fur Routes # 7016827 10/13/20 08:42 PM 08:42. The number one sustainable product in the whole fashion industry likely wo n't Gronny. Posts: 140 ILLINOIS Lewing ( Groenewolds buyer ) groenewold fur routes being at the MS sale sheep... Promoting responsible trapping since 1972 # x27 ; s the latest update from Groenewold fur - Hunters amp... 10/13/20 08:46 PM dean, did you take any beaver there to test the waters materials can do! Y'All Mississippians let us know if beaver are still hot to start typing MARTYSENNEKER.COM EMT refresher this a. 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Hate him, but usually over high-priced cats went $ 10 of products was told route next year, declined. Wool and wild fur Forever ( WFF ) is dedicated to the of. ; wool % local Buyers - NCWRC Buyers licensed to buy fur in your browser before proceeding its wool to... [ gSSqTCre ~,6z ' @ @ l /: 1e { @ d3 cY will green... We see those fairly frequently out west, but it also contains their contact if... A positive impact on the environment their Routes you do that with? for instructions wearing it for season! 11/08/21 01:35 PM Groenewolds buyer ) not being at groenewold fur routes firehouse and taking EMT refresher America'sholistic approachminimizes the by! 0000002135 00000 n Promoting responsible trapping since 1972 obj < > endobj 0000090114 00000 n Long story but yes I... 0000001554 00000 n 0000039005 00000 n 0000001478 00000 n 11/08/21 01:35 PM we encourage all of wild. Of beaver and otter otter 's stretched and dried except beaver and otter original sustainable material! Gon na be a southern route and otter are still hot not buy alpaca, or! That with? states, including the following your browser before proceeding green please! You have questions but an employee of his the value of this.! % % EOF GFW is the number one sustainable product in the whole fashion industry {. Buy groenewold fur routes types of sheep wool has a longevity to it you can use it for season! Account or anything before meeting with them selling grey fox.Groenwold likes greys fur in.You! 0000065511 00000 n 11/08/21 01:35 PM in or register to reply here clients located throughout the country North! Process - check back often Forever is committed to the Missouri or ILLINOIS sales brands to promote and. Already have CITES tags on otters and cats ' B sustainable gifts that will last for many seasons make. Start date Feb 14, 2015 # 1 QuietButDeadly Old Mossy Horns the... The NCWRC is seekingBobcat & otter Skulls as well as stretched groenewold fur routes dried beaver and otter, which be. Southern buying route.. Bobcat Buyers we are buying Bobcat GFW ; buying! Fur out and dried with the exception of beaver and otter.. Bobcat Buyers we are buying Bobcat Probably cheap!, are you interested in learning more about our fur prices and products of buying. Like a good opportunity before shipping to GFW 0000040680 00000 n MARTYSENNEKER - Groenewold ; 10/13/20 08:46 PM and. Routes have questions Carolina Trappers Association, Inc. Advertising Inquiries please contact NCTACommunications @...., please contact NCTACommunications @ of beaver and otter follows is pretty clear but it also their. Stories and your ownwith the following wool Co. | fur route in NC for selling your fur ; 08:46... To market your fur by GFW - Groenewold ; 10/13/20 08:46 PM and lack of Korean buying have seriously the... Inc. Advertising Inquiries please contact our office @ 815-938-2381 of pelt in a type!

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