Hoffmans description of the shooter does not resemble the man claiming to have made the shot. My hope is that the following scenario is or is close to the one we can agree on. Visitors will see historic images, news footage, artifacts and original evidentiary areas. The first couple walked up to a fence to meet an overwhelmingly enthusiastic crowd of 2,000 at 11:46. Groove in the sidewalk on the north side of Elm Street. This super closeup of the Cancellare photograph shows that the area in question had ample clearance to allow a shot without any cars interfering. Ipswich, MA: Mary Ferrell Foundation Press, 2010) for acoustical correlation to the Zapruder film. The original photo has been scrutinized thousands of. The Tague shot was an unwelcome surprise when it came to light. Then I heard the crack of a couple of rifle shots. The former county courthouse is individually listed on the National Register and is also designated a State Antiquities Landmark (SAL) and a Recorded Texas Historic Landmark (RTHL). There is an even stronger argument in the narrative that rules out a hole in the windshield. 1 Dealey Plaza 2 John F. Kennedy Memorial Plaza 3 Klyde Warren Park 4 Pioneer Plaza, Dallas 5 John Neely Bryan Cabin, Dallas 6 The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza 7 Dallas City Hall 8 Thanks-Giving Square, Dallas 9 Old Red Museum of Dallas County History & Culture, Texas 10 Giant Eyeball, Dallas 11 Dallas County Courthouse You do not know the caliber of the bullet nor where the shooter stood, knelt or lay prone. There is also a grassy knoll on the northwest side of . It was 12:30 p.m. Nov. 22, then and now. Motorcycle police officer Bobby Hargis believed the shot to Kennedys head came from RROP. Orville Nix Film. The Hodges Market in the 4100 block of Bonnie View in Tippit's district was more than seven miles southwest of Dealey Plaza. The following is a summary of the controversial issues surrounding these items. If it deflected slightly it could ricochet up and hit the underside of the limousine causing sparks. And the SEEN OF THE (*Unresolved!) In the attached gift shop, you can get a signed print of Jackson's infamous photo of Ruby shooting Oswald for $250, one of the pricier items from a . Catch up on more JFK news here. That was the first story that made the newspapers and it is the story the government originally believed. 4 I relied upon the detailed map of Dealey Plaza by Don Roberdeau (Copyright 2010 by Don Roberdeau) for the locations of the Breneman & West mark and the Stemmons Freeway sign. Other versions of the photograph do not have the light colored strip on the right side of the picture. The Dallas Times Herald, which covered the assassination in its own city, included the shooting of Texas governor: "President Dead. The DTB shooter will take his second shot at Z268, which is two seconds after the supposed shot to Kennedys back. This is my presentation on the shooting in Dealey Plaza. [31][38] Associated Press used a copy of Moorman's polaroid photo in its reporting of the events at Dealy Plaza during JFK's assassination. The Dealey Plaza Historic District was named a National Historic Landmark on the 30th anniversary of the assassination, to preserve Dealey Plaza, street rights-of-way, and buildings and structures by the plaza visible from the assassination site, that have been identified as witness locations or as possible locations for the assassin. It is sometimes called the "birthplace of Dallas". These are established facts. The Killing of a President: The Complete Photographic Record of the JFK Assassination, the Conspiracy, and the Cover-up. To not wish harm to any living creaturenot even to any lifeless object. 13 The Presidential limousine had an indentation in the chrome frame of the windshield to the left of the right visor. I believe the TSBDE shooter could not hit anything with his inferior rifle, and he will manage to fire just two shots in ten seconds. Missouri, Kansas, & Texas (MKT) Railroad Yards, West of N. Houston St. between Elm St. and Pacific Ave. Six railroad tracks running from north to south converge into four at the Triple Underpass. The groove in the sidewalk on the north side of Elm Street lines up with TSBDW but not as a credible shot at the President. Witt says he was at Dealey Plaza the day of JFK's assassination in 1963, with the intention of heckling Kennedy, not killing him. 3 The City of Dallas cut out the section of curb with the bullet mark shortly after the Breneman & West survey was completed. It was a meticulously detailed image with multi-colored texts and lines showing the witnesses in exact locations. Also in the parking lot area was a Figure 1.Diagram of Dealey Plaza, showing the path of the motorcade (dashed line); the location of the assassin on the 6th floor of the TSBD; three locations of the presidential limousine corresponding roughly to its locations when the three shots were fired from the TSBD; the location of the pergola where A. Zapruder stood while filming the assassination; and other relevant details. Below left, Map of Dealey Plaza with a view of the Dal-Tex Building, below right, views of and from the Dal-Tex Bldg. It may also have occurred as a result of sudden deceleration of the limousine. Democrats in vice president Lyndon Johnsons home state were splintering a year ahead of the next presidential election. Hear No Evil: Social Constructivism and the Forensic Evidence in the Kennedy Assassination. But they wanted a photograph of president and Mrs. Kennedy coming off the rear of Air Force One here in Dallas at Love Field. You had ballistic, fiber experts and so on. A straight on shot to the head will produce a forward spray of blood, brain tissue and pieces of bone. there, about that size, and said thats where that first one went, he says, some Secret Service LEARN MORE. View Dealey Plaza Interactive On ABC News.com. The furrow could have nothing to do with the assassination. Last week, just days before the 50th anniversary commemoration of the President Kennedy assassination, Dallas street workers removed the white "X" that marked the spot where JFK was shot. And then the car was waiting, but there was a big crowd there, all yelling, with banners and everything. One of the ongoing mysteries of Dealey Plaza is the origin of the fragment that hit James Tague. 411 Elm St, Dallas, TX 75202, USA. At that angle from the sixth floor a bullet would ricochet over the bystanders, but there is no room in the scenario for another shot. We know from Connallys wounds that the TSBDW shooter used a high-powered rifle and was positioned to the right of the Presidents head. I do not believe this item indicates a gunshot, which I will explain in the narrative. No blood or anything. First is Posner's theory that a shot at about Zapruder frame 160 was deflected off a branch of the Live Oak in front of the Depository and hit the curb in front of There are five locations that correspond to the eight shots in this scenario. Blood, bone and brain tissue exploded in all directions. 2 I relied upon Donald Thomas (Thomas, Donald B. At this point a theorized shot to the back of Kennedys head raises issues similar to a theorized shot to his back. Turn on desktop notifications for breaking news? Photograph shows right to left angle of shot to Governor Connally, Sixth Shot From DTB to the frame of the limousine windshield Z268. 2 - The Breneman & West survey noted a bullet mark on the south curb of Elm Street across from the north pergola. I can tie the DTB shooter to shot #6 so the Tague shot has to occur earlier in the sequence. Tague ignored his injury at the time and, like other witnesses, he was pressured to conform to a three-shot scenario. The grassy knoll is a small, sloping hill inside the plaza that became of interest following the assassination of United States President John F. Kennedy. The Stemmons Freeway sign first appears at Z133 and for 67 frames the back of the sign has no blemishes or camera artifacts. I believe Kennedys forward movement is a rebound from the backward thrust of the throat shot and his attempt to regain composure. The other shooters used ammunition made from 6.5 mm bullets fired through Oswalds Mannlicher-Carcano and reloaded into 7.62 mm (.30-30) shell casings with a sabot. Monuments outlining the plaza honor previous prominent Dallas residents and predate President John F. Kennedy's visit by many years. From the oral-history project: The parade route had been publicized in the paper and so we knew the parade route so we jumped in our car and tried to get ahead of the parade. Some researchers believe that shot #8 came from the top of the Dallas Records Building, but the trajectory from the Dallas Records Building to the manhole does not come close to the limousine. So stop, said about 10 on the front end, and 10-20 at the back. Unable to see clearly over his right shoulder, Connally then turned to his left and was hit. The knoll was above Kennedy and to his right (west and north) during the assassination on November 22, 1963. The DTB bullet had to travel twice as far as the GKF sound but it traveled twice as fast. The JFK assassination led to a probe by the office of New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison an investigation recreated by Oliver Stone for the 1991 movie "JFK" but a crucial piece of evidence supporting the team's theory linking the CIA to President John F. Kennedy 's murder was found too late! I took the photograph from the south curb on Elm Street across from the north pergola, Photograph by James Altgens (Zapruder frame 255). The only controversy is whether Connally had to let go of his hat when his wrist was shattered. Ahimsa: Respect for all living things and avoidance of violence toward others. Whitney: You were quite sure it was a hole. From the oral-history project: The Secret Service man that was on the left-rear-side of the limousine, he was holding on to the handle and there was no one on the right side. [2][3], The Dealey Plaza Historic District was added to the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) in 1993 and designated a National Historic Landmark the same year. Warren Commission CE353a showing bullet tear on back seat, Jacket (CE393-1) with threads indicating exit wound, Third Shot From DTB to the south curb of Main Street (James Tague). hospital, you could take a regular standard writing pencil, wood pencil, and stick it through jump in and claim that it's more people. When we take a look at the view from that position in our Blender model, this is what is seen: Even though this image is at Z255 and the Altgens6 photograph, the angle of the windshield to JFKs neck does not line up. Dealey Plaza is a plaza on the west end of downtown Dallas where the Sixth Floor Museum is now located. A problem with a theorized shot to Kennedys back is fitting the shot into the totality of circumstances. Gary Mack, the curator of the Sixth Floor Museum in Dealey Plaza, writes for LightBox on how one rare photo, taken by Jim MacCammon of Lee Harvey Oswald's arrest, suggests that the 24-year-old . What is Dealey Plaza? -. In frame Z205 debris fragments are flying away from the sign. The occupants of the limousine believed that this was the first shot. After screening the film for Secret Service agents, Zapruder agreed to sell the rights to "Life," but did not want the film to be exploited. Pergolas, Dealey Plaza along Elm and Commerce streets Two concrete columnar, Triple Underpass, west edge of Dealey Plaza at convergence of Elm, Main, and Commerce streets This unpainted concrete railroad overpass was constructed by the, Dealey Statue, 101 S. Houston St. The Dealey Statue, featuring the likeness of the plaza's namesake. Although the Dallas police did not know the location of the motorcycle with the open microphone, the committee believed the officer was in Dealey Plaza at the time of the assassination. 8 The City of Dallas removed the Stemmons Freeway sign shortly after the assassination. Lyndon B. Johnson, 55, would become the 36th President in Dallas that day.

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