March 1980 SEVENTEEN magazine PHOEBE CATES Tatum O'Neal Kristy McNichol RARE $29.99 $6.00 shipping Vintage Seventeen Magazine December 1995 $24.95 Free shipping or Best Offer May 1980 Seventeen Magazine Phoebe Cates Diane Lane Teen Film Star 1980s $35.00 Free shipping Vintage Seventeen Magazine May 1995 $22.95 Free shipping Seventeen 1993-01: Volume 52 , Issue 1. He also predicts, accurately, that people will still be listening to the Beatles in the 21st century. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. But beware of the latter! Jane Hu is saying it here, here, and here. Digitized from IA1627918-04 . Next issue: sim_seventeen_2004-05_63_5 . Seventeen 1984-09: Volume 43 , Issue 9. Matthews. Who's that hottie all the girls are into? Previous issue: sim_seventeen_2004-04_63_4 . Digitized from IA1627915-05 . Seventeen 2009-11: Volume 68 , Issue 11. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. 0 bids. Seventeen 1997-06: Volume 56 , Issue 6. 1910s. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. Take full advantage of our site features by enabling JavaScript. Sellers looking to grow their business and reach more interested buyers can use Etsys advertising platform to promote their items. "Think of holidays and parties and this star-struck time of year, and you'll think of a dress like this: a fairy tale of white rayon net, tremulous with sequined butterflies which look posed to fly away. Founded in 1944 by American editor Helen Valentine (18931986), it publishes content aimed at young women and girls between the ages of 13 and 19. Next issue: sim_seventeen_1961-04_20_4 . Digitized from IA1627915-05 . Next issue: sim_seventeen_1990-09_49_9 . The magazines target audience was right in its title. May 1950: Seventeen goes meta. Examples: boats, old cars, new cars, guns, Lincoln, fishing equipment, photographs showing the history of the town's fire department, or softball games. on the Internet. Etsy is powered by 100% renewable electricity. This book review by 13-year-old Eve Kosofsky (later Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, known for her brilliant work on queer theory) appeared in the January 1964 issue of Seventeen. How do you get him to notice you? We may earn commission from the links on this page. This magazine is mostly for young girls and women from the ages of 12-19. Next issue: sim_seventeen_2001-03_60_3 . Girl on right sports trendybangs. or Best Offer. Previous issue: sim_seventeen_1979-05_38_5 . November 1980: For instance, I find her cream-colored outfit and eight (???) Next issue: sim_seventeen_1998-09_57_9 . Previous issue: sim_seventeen_1957-11_16_11 . Digitized from IA1627918-05 . Previous issue: sim_seventeen_2009-05_68_5 . They are really thinking about very important things and we ought to be thinking about them in thoseterms.. Seventeen 1973-11: Volume 32 , Issue 11. Next issue: sim_seventeen_2000-04_59_4 . Inside the mag, the popular "From a Boy's Point of View" column was all about the Beatles. In a world that is changing as quickly and profoundly as ours is, we hope to provide a clearing house for your ideas. The letter ends with an invitation to Americas teenage girls to voice theirideas: As a magazine, we shall discuss all the things you consider importantwith plenty of help from you, please. Previous issue: sim_seventeen_1990-03_49_3 . Seventeen 1970-03: Volume 29 , Issue 3. What Is SLED in Netflix's "Murdaugh Murders"? Digitized from IA1627918-06 . Plath would have been 17 at the time. Hence, perhaps, the U.N. story. Used. Turning off the personalized advertising setting wont stop you from seeing Etsy ads or impact Etsy's own personalization technologies, but it may make the ads you see less relevant or more repetitive. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Previous issue: sim_seventeen_2009-10_68_10 . editorial space to fiction. 1980s 80s Hair And Makeup Seventeen Magazine Covers Beauty Tips For Teens Teen Beauty New England Prep Boy Problems 80s Girl More information . Digitized from IA1627915-05 . Girls back then were always writing in asking about how they could be models! Next issue: sim_seventeen_2001-05_60_5 . The cover on left features In January 1971, among pieces on The Looks You Want and The Dating Scene Around the World, the cover also promised Answers to Your Most-Asked Questions on Birth Control. (November of the same year included: When Youre Single and Pregnant.)The September 1972 issue had a large banner about ABORTION: THE TOUGHEST DECISION OF ALL. Just months before the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision, Seventeen was making it an issue on their cover (in red, noless). ", "You'd like to marry young and you probably will" and, "You wish you knew an older man with a mustache. Previous issue: sim_seventeen_1997-05_56_5 . 1920s. Previous issue: sim_seventeen_1982-07_41_7 . (Im not sure about the math here perhaps there were two years the magazine was not in print?). Seventeen 1990-04: Volume 49 , Issue 4. Previous issue: sim_seventeen_1992-12_51_12 . Next issue: sim_seventeen_1960-07_19_7 . Soon after its debut, Seventeen took a . The tragic passing of Whitney Houston has us listening to her greatest hits, marveling at her dazzling style and learning many little-known facts about the icon. Digitized from IA1627915-05 . Victorian postmortem photos did exist, no one denies that, however, they were never taken in a standing pose using a stand. 2012 . As Massoni explains, Teena was never based on a real individual, but was a persona created by cobbling together data from surveys of teenage girls and their mothers during the mid 40s. Previous issue: sim_seventeen_1968-03_27_3 . Also in red and many pastels, by American Debuteen, in Teen sizes, about $45.". Seventeen 1998-12: Volume 57 , Issue 12. China Dolls. They may be mans best friend, but man has also changed them beyond all recognition, these incredible pictures of dog breeds reveal. Can You Travel From Barbados to OBX By Boat? But a brunette could give it her own kind of dazzle. Seventeen 2005-02: Volume 64 , Issue 2. August 1986: Denim Denim Denim. You are also agreeing to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Seventeen is an American magazine for teenagers. Next issue: sim_seventeen_2000-02_59_2 . The response, then, is laughter instead of envy ordesire. Seventeen 1971-08: Volume 30 , Issue 8. Seventeen 1971-03: Volume 30 , Issue 3. There's the Muscle Man, Shy but Sweet, Fabulous but Fickle, and the Brain. It was the first teen magazine to be established in the United States. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Not only did she turn out to be one of the biggest actresses in Hollywood, but judging by the fact that she looks just about the same 21 years later, she may never have to worry about being old and gray either! Patti Hansen covers Seventeen magazine 70s. 1940s. Snow used to fall in L.A. about once every few years, but 1949 was one of the last, with up to a foot of snow falling in parts of the city. Those partners may have their own information theyve collected about you. Next issue: sim_seventeen_fall-winter-1997_56_supplement . Next issue: sim_seventeen_2000-03_59_3 . Seventeen 1997-10: Volume 56 , Issue 10. Also, When your best friend is better-looking thanyou.. Previous issue: sim_seventeen_1971-07_30_7 . This magazine is mostly for young girls . Seventeen 1998-05: Volume 57 , Issue 5. The world's leading specialists in the distribution of art, cultural and historical images and footage for reproduction. scJsHost+ Go down to the bottom of the page and click through for the literary musings of a young, nascent critic and queer theorist named Eve Kosofsky. Next issue: sim_seventeen_2004-07_63_7 . May 1980 Seventeen Magazine Phoebe Cates Diane Lane Teen Film Star 1980s. | Free shipping on many items! Previous issue: sim_seventeen_1956-02_15_2 . Seventeen 1994-03: Volume 53 , Issue 3. April 1974.Patti Hansen.cover girl. Next issue: sim_seventeen_1973-12_32_12 . $26.39. Results will return exact matches only.Any images with overlay of text may not produce accurate results.Details of larger images will search for their corresponding detail. A hun Born Estelle Eggleston in 1938 in Yazoo City, Mississippi, American film, television, and stage actress Stella Stevens began her acting care Ruth Orkin was an award-winning photojournalist and filmmaker, born in Boston. ", The sweater on this 1963 cover goes along with a spread inside entitled "Rainbow Knits." Digitized from IA1627918-06 . PHOTO: Whitney Houston's 1981 Seventeen Cover. Digitized from IA1627918-06 . Seventeen seems to have all the answersthats why like Teena, smart advertisers use Seventeen. We may earn commission from the links on this page. Previous issue: sim_seventeen_1960-04_19_4 . Digitized from IA1627915-05 . Previous issue: sim_seventeen_1967-11_26_11 . Write us about anything or everything. Pre-Owned. Until Seventeen, however, no magazine specifically targeted teens. Search the history of over 797 billion Next issue: sim_seventeen_1999-01_58_1 . (Did any of the Bangles gals wear something similar in their Walk Like an Egyptian video?) While Seventeen now hosts an annual fiction writing contest, back in its first years the magazine used to devote, on average, 11 percent of (printed!) Carol Lynley, the June 1957 cover girl, was the first ever celeb teen model. This magazine is mostly for young girls and women from the ages of 1219. Maybe go on safari in Africa and study lions. Surprise! Previous issue: sim_seventeen_2000-11_59_11 . This type of data sharing may be considered a sale of information under California privacy laws. Previous issue: sim_seventeen_1994-02_53_2 . It w Total Views 124,289 (Older Stats). Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Digitized from IA1627915-05 . Digitized from IA1627915-05 . Digitized from IA1627910-05 . Though she attaches inspiration to a photograph of teens about to enter New York Citys U.N. building, the U.N. didnt officially exist until October 1945, over a year after her pitch. Her hair or her midriff? Seventeen Magazine, August 1980, vintage fashion, Back To School Special, 1980s dress. A 17-year-old model at the time, Cameron Diaz told the magazine in an interview, Ill probably model until Im old and gray. Doesn't it totally look like something Katy Perry would wear? Some bending on page edges. Digitized from IA1627918-06 . Next issue: sim_seventeen_1997-06_56_6 . Next issue: sim_seventeen_1971-04_30_4 . Seventeen 1985-05: Volume 44 , Issue 5. Your Privacy Choices: Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads. Digitized from IA1627918-06 . Back to school issue New fall fashions Cram course in Next issue: sim_seventeen_2001-10_60_10 . As the February cover shows (on right), Seventeen was serious about teens getting serious. What is being sold on these covers is safely in the past for meand nothing I can immediately desire. Digitized from IA1627915-05 . We've sent you an email to confirm your subscription. Next issue: sim_seventeen_1960-08_19_8 . More. Next issue: sim_seventeen_1968-01_27_1 . This issue also had the fashion spreads, "Say It in Swedish," "Warm to a Swedish Sea," and "Down to a Swedish Sea.". Seventeen 1982-08: Volume 41 , Issue 8. Seventeen 2004-04: Volume 63 , Issue 4. April meant the Girl-Meets-Boy Issue. A girl and a boy (sort of?) Borrowing marketing strategies used by Popular Science, Ellis went on to create the character of Teena for Seventeen. "Aren't Two Parents Enough?" web pages Seventeen 1997-05: Volume 56 , Issue 5. Etsy is powered by 100% renewable electricity. var sc_project=9095613; 45 Gorgeous Photos Show Styles of a Young Phoebe Cates in the 1980s August 18, 2022 1980s, celebrity & famous people, portraits Born 1963 in New York City, American actress Phoebe Cates appeared on the cover of Seventeen magazine four times as a teen model. This time, she's sporting argyle tights, matching shirt, and a green skirt. Say something like: 'You have hands like a doctor's, strong and efficient.'" $35.00. First, appalling title. But one thing that hasn't changed? Seventeen picks products that we think you'll love the most. RSS ABOUT COLLECTION FORUM (0) 819 RESULTS Metadata Text contents Media Type Year Topics & Subjects Collection Creator Language SORT BY VIEWS TITLE DATE PUBLISHED CREATOR Seventeen 1960-04: Vol 19 Iss 4 257 Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. Next issue: sim_seventeen_1970-04_29_4 . July 1946: For its first few decades, Seventeen covers didnt showcase celebrities. $8.22 shipping. Valentines editorial letter, SEVENTEEN Says Hello, is written in a tone so conversational and bubbly that it still feels modern today. Seventeen Covers Through the Years - Whitney Houston, Twiggy, Niki Taylor and More - Seventeen 1 These Romance Movies Coming in 2023 Are Must-Sees 2 Here's What Your Crush Dreams *Actually*. For example, 1994 marked the debut of Seventeen infamous Traumarama! column, still going strong today. Previous issue: sim_seventeen_1959-04_18_4 . $20.00. The column apparently grew out of an overwhelming amount of letters by readers, but, really, the letters are so rhetorically and narratively (when they, yknow, have a narrative) homogenous, that you cant help but see Traumarama! as just another branding scheme to break Teenas confidence. Previous issue: sim_seventeen_1969-07_28_7 . We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. As a magazine, we shall discuss all the things you consider important with plenty of help from you, please. play cats cradle, when cats cradle was all the rage. ), Before going on to become a famous actress, 18-year-old Cybill Shepherd took home the honor of Seventeens model of the year in 1968! Write us about anything or everything. Previous issue: sim_seventeen_1998-11_57_11 . July 1971: But this is my favorite cover from this decade, for how markedly 70s it is in its particular kind of un-hingedness. Previous issue: sim_seventeen_2004-05_63_5 . Check out Houston, who was in fact 17 years old at the time, in a cream sweater dress and white tights on the November 1981 cover of the teen mag. The cover not only harkens back to the symbolism of Valentines first editorial letter, but marks her farewell to the magazine. On the cover on left here: A Noted Psychiatrist Discusses Homosexuality (along with the 1969 concern: Should YOU Be Drafted?). Cover girl Rita Egan posed with two different plaid ponchos with matching hats in this 1961 issue. It's Rock Hudson, the number one dreamy movie star of the '60s! Turning off personalized advertising opts you out of these sales. Learn more in our Privacy Policy., Help Center, and Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy. Previous issue: sim_seventeen_1985-02_44_2 . For example, did you know that Houston was one of the first black women to grace the cover of Seventeen magazine? Next issue: sim_seventeen_2012-09_71_9 . The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Helen Ryan, who is very blonde, wears it on the cover. Digitized from IA1627915-05 . Digitized from IA1627910-05 . Who's that model with the long legs and long lashes? You may even prod Mother out of her housewifely confines to take a greater interest in history-making events. Hey, its my list! Much of the 90s and aughts content is well-represented on the the magazines website. from Turkey . And though she doesnt always take her troubles to mother, Teena writes her favorite magazine for the tip-off on the clothes she wears, the food she eats, the lipstick she wields, the room she bunks in, the budget she keeps, the boy she has a crush on. Previous issue: sim_seventeen_1997-02_56_2 . Digitized from IA1627918-06 . Each issue features original articles on a range of topics, including fashion trends, new beauty products, and health and wellness, as well as relationship advice, and life and politics issues. Seventeen Magazine April 1980 No Label - Phoebe Cates. Seventeen 2000-01: Volume 59 , Issue 1. Previous issue: sim_seventeen_2005-01_64_1 . Im no longer a teenager (at least by the numbers), but that letter? April 22, 1970 marked, after all, Americas first Earth Day. "'>"+"script>"); We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Now, lets say hello back to Valentines brainchild, and take a look at Seventeens evolution throughout the decadesand what it (and teen girls) were talkingabout. People have an idea that the only thing theyre interested in is their next date, but it isnt so. Previous issue: sim_seventeen_2000-04_59_4 . The January issue the following year featured TODAYS YOUNG NAVAJOS., September 1966: Around this time Drugs were both a frequent and explicit topic. Or at least it suggests she still has time to become a zoologist. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Seventeen 1999-08: Volume 58 , Issue 8. I've covered endless red carpets, fashion weeks, magazine covers, . Previous issue: sim_seventeen_2001-01_60_1 . on the Internet. Previous issue: sim_seventeen_1997-04_56_4 . Next issue: sim_seventeen_1957-07_16_7 . Seventeen 1960-06: Volume 19 , Issue 6. Previous issue: sim_seventeen_1971-02_30_2 . Previous issue: sim_seventeen_1998-09_57_9 . To maintain readership, many publications turned from a tight focus on screen celebrities to address womens fashion more generally. Digitized from IA1627915-05 . Where the following September issue would include pieces such as New TermNew You, this one recommended a New Wardrobe in anticipation. Seventeen 1999-11: Volume 58 , Issue 11. Seventeen 1960-04: Volume 19 , Issue 4. Digitized from IA1627918-06 . Note: No issue number found. var sc_security="af495448"; Digitized from IA1627918-06 . Seventeen 2004-05: Volume 63 , Issue 5. Next issue: sim_seventeen_1979-07_38_7 . Previous issue: sim_seventeen_1970-02_29_2 . I think (I hope) Helen Valentine would have been gratified by these instances, if not entirely satisfied. May 1959 and April 1966: And bosom oriented. Second: thoseshoes! Digitized from IA1627918-06 . Another article from earlier that year: Daddy, May I Borrow YourTie?, September 1945: Valentine celebrates the magazines one-year anniversary: Youre interested in boys and books, clothes and current events, people and politics, cooking and careersin fact, youre interested in everything. (I still cant look at Sam Waterston without an irrational feeling of jealousy. How cute is that bathing suit? Next issue: sim_seventeen_2009-07_68_7 . Next issue: sim_seventeen_1982-09_41_9 . Seventeen Magazine Back Issue July 1985 Vintage Teen Fashion Retro Ads. Seventeen 2003-01: Volume 62 , Issue 1. September 1949: The magazines five-year anniversary. Previous issue: sim_seventeen_1960-03_19_3 . Next issue: sim_seventeen_2004-03_63_3 . Congratulations to Seventeen and their continued success over the last 65 years! April 1998: Tyra Banks on the cover, as well as a piece on why we love Matt Damon & BenAffleck. The September 1951 issue was all about new attitudes starting with those towards purple velvet suits and pillbox hats (yours for only $5! And you may give your whole family a new awareness of the fact that the little girl they remember has grown into a thinking young woman. Previous issue: sim_seventeen_2000-02_59_2 . New York, NY 10016
Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Seventeen Magazine May 1984 Vintage 1980s Fashion Style Billy Idol at the best online prices at eBay! Seventeen 1969-08: Volume 28 , Issue 8. The cover of the April 1971 issue, dedicated to Special Travel, boasted vacation places for earth-lovers as well as 5 pollution fighters and how theyre winning. Note the greenfont. Amplifying Black voices through news that matters. Public collections can be seen by the public, including other shoppers, and may show up in recommendations and other places.
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