The go-to source for comic and superhero movie fans. I thought I knew all there was to know about the merfolk, but after visiting the Shrine I felt like I was missing something.A part of their story that might explain this strange place. This one can be found early. As you approach the Thieves' Haven, you will see purple and blue lights swirling into the sky, demarcating the location of the Shrine. Head inside the room to find the Gold Hoarders Medallion sitting on the throne in the middle of the room. Once you drop down into the main chamber of the Shrine, walk over to the stone altar near the well in the middle of the chamber. Various pieces of Ancient stone architecture, mostly pillars, are scattered among the seafloor around the structure. It is the quest with the upside-down triangle symbol on it. Light the torches and pull the levers to open the butterfly door. Interact with all three to open the large stone crab door. However, one among them, a female Warrior of The Ancient Isles, trudged into the inky depths and pledged to put an end to the war. The name of this journal is 1. Using the Mysterious Ancient Key will open a locked stone door just left of the altar. Pull that and you'll drain the well. (On a table at the bottom of the central pit.). From gaming trends to the latest blockbuster anime, DualShockers keeps you ahead of the curve. After you've descended to the large chamber for the first time, make your way over to the stone altar by the well and uncover the first journal laying next to it. You will have to have completed the Butterfly Puzzle Chamber before gaining access to the Turtle Puzzle Chamber. Cursed Voyage items can no longer be dropped onto coral, making them inaccessible. The name of this journal is 2. You can read the first journal immediately after entering the Shrine. The Shrine of Ancient Tears houses a plethora of lore on the Ancient people, the Merfolk, and the Sirens . (On a barrel to the right of the room, which is East of the central chamber.). Along this hallway are three levers with butterfly paintings next to them and threetorches. To the East on the bottommost level of the Shrine is a large, sealed Ancient door that can only be opened via The Legend of the Sunken Kingdom quest purchased from Larinna after collecting each journal. This whole drops into a staircase of coral. Bring the key back to the chest and use it. As you might have guessed, Ocean Crawlers will ambush you as soon as you dig up the notes. Happily, weve found proverbial taverns on several social outpostseach bustling with a vibrant pirate community! Shrine Ancient Tribute (On a pile of stone, opposite the Siren depictions after you first swim down inside.) Tis a place to share our findings and adventures. From the shipwreck facing the mountain, a Water Wall entrance . You will need to solve both Siren Statue Puzzles to make it to the top. I will cover every portion of this update split up into videos to cover each portion. Sail on over to the Shrine of Ancient Tears in The Ancient Isles. Find the Fate of the Silver Blade journal to unveil the next secret.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'ginx_tv-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_7',145,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-ginx_tv-large-mobile-banner-1-0'); Next, you will have to find three levers and three torches by walking into the hallway that runs North and South. | Interview with Robert Mackenzie, How To Unlock The Chamber Of Secrets In Hogwarts Legacy, DayZ 1.20 Update: 2023 Release Date Confirmed, Leaks & Everything We Know So Far, Valorant Oni 2.0 Bundle: Release Date, Price, Skins, How To Get Crucio In Hogwarts Legacy: Cruciatus Curse Guide, Elden Ring DLC Paid: Release Date Speculation, Content, Leaks & More, Death Stranding 2: Release Date Speculation, News, Leaks, Details, The Day Before: Release Date, Platforms, Gameplay, Features, PC Specs, 'Undisputed' Boxing Game: Release Date Speculation News, Beta, Roster, Modes, Honkai Star Rail Tier List (2023): Best Characters To Pick, COD Mobile Season 1 (2023) Meta Weapon Tier List: Best Guns, WoW Dragonflight DPS Tier List (2023): Best DPS To Pick, Sword Master Story Tier List 2023 - Best Characters. Sail on over to the Shrine of Oceans Fortune in The Shores of Plenty. Entrance: While diving down, face NORTH by NORTHEAST and head in the direction of a large split shipwreck. It's a blocked passage, that has a symbol of a triangle with a circle around it, and a tiny golden space for a triangular key of some type. The Ancients were a scholarly people with few soldiers, and as such, they were especially defenceless. The central chamber is a nigh perfectly preserved Ancient labyrinth, with various doors to open and puzzles to solve. One of them will contain treasure while the other one will lead to the next area. It took some time, a lot of persuasion and following threads to loose ends but I finally go the answers I was seeking.Since I last wrote, I have discovered this new type of merfolk are called Sirens and that they have a dark and complicate past.The chest that Dimitri found contains the soul of their King, which must mean the Silver Blade was dragged below. If you dare venture into this menacing Shrine, you will need to slay these lurking sharks to retrieve the coral riches inside successfully! It is used to unlock the hidden burial chamber within the Shrine of Ancient Tears . However, the voyage is locked behind a commendation. Once you are in the right location, equip your shovel and dig up the Scholars Notes. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. (Picture: Rare Thief)if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'ginx_tv-banner-1','ezslot_8',360,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-ginx_tv-banner-1-0'); Next, move on to the crab area, light all the torches, reveal all the three levers, and then interact with it to open the giant stone crab door. The Sirens launched attacks on the Ancients and Merfolk, neither of which could fight back due to how deadly the Sirens could be; a single scratch could transfer the plague to a Merfolk, and being dragged below for an Ancient meant either death or the fate of having their very body, mind and soul warped beyond recognition into a monstrous Ocean Crawler. However, the mages among her people realised her grave sacrifice; she returned with a terrible curse placed by Sirens, and would inevitably and shortly die. You can also find him on social media as @SpontaneousJam on Twitter (because Spontaneous James was too long apparently). Any Coral Treasure Chests filled with three loot items count as a single loot item, saving up space for the other Treasure items to be stored in the statues. After you have lit all the torches, head into the large stone door with the four animal columns that open up.Head into the room to collect treasure. Jot down yer email, and well be sure to let ye know when theres something new on the horizon. To reach the Coral Plinth where the Breath of the Sea sits, youll need to solve the two Siren Statue Puzzles and ascend to the final room in the Shrine. Youll see that 3 Keys are needed to unlock it. In this video I show you all the journal locations for Shrine of Ancient Tears. Learn how your comment data is processed. The door in question will be near a circled trianglethe Gold Hoarder symboland a lock on top of a small stone pedestal. The first thing you'll notice about this shrine is that it has a unique entrance. All rights reserved. Sorrow turned to righteous fury, and galvanised the Sirens to war. Next to one of the Turtle levers tucked away in the back South West area is another journal to read. Aye, we pirates do love a good tavern. There you will find a treasure: The Chest of Everlasting Sorrow journal.Press all four floor plates to open the large stone door. There are six in total, they are: Shrine of Ancient Tears. At some unknown point in time, the Siren Queen pulled the structure into the abyss and made it a shrine for her love's ever-grieving soul. You will need to carry this chest with you until the end of the voyage to complete it. Head inside and keep walking West until you walk into a circular room with four rock paintings and columns in it. The name of this journal is 2. And the Coral Siren Statue is just below the mural. Light up all four torches to open up a large stone door to the West side of the chamber. The Gem Siren Statue is to the left and below the mural. There will be a lever on the wall that you need to move. Go through that door and you'll see that you're back at the beginning. The second floor plate will reveal a lever, and the second to last floor plate will reveal a lever. From his hyperactive childhood to his.Well, still hyperactive adulthood, he's been writing and performing in some capacity for practically his entire life. The Scholars Riddle will tell you to head to the Shrine of Ancient Tears. Submitting the correct solution will cause the water level to rise. Laying next to the column with a crab above will be the journal. The latest update for Sea of Thieves, entitled: The Sunken Kingdom" added a series of new locations for all players to explore, with most of its secrets and treasures being hidden inside six new Shrinesspread across the map. Go down into the well and you'll find a room with another altar that has four unlit braziers. It currently stores various treasures and trinkets salvaged from these wrecks. There are six shrines currently in the game, with two present within the Shores of Plenty, The Ancient Isles, and The Wilds respectively. There a. RELATED: Sea Of Thieves: How To Change Your Character. They also have very different layouts that can involve plenty of swimming, fighting, and puzzle-solving. Fate of the Silver Blade. As you sail closer to the Shrine, you will spot purple and blue lights swirling into the sky. You will find your last Forbidden Key Time to see what is inside that chest! Once it starts spinning wildly in a circle, you know you are in the right spot. Each journal is a secret to uncover, and you can find all five inside the Shrine. Leave one bit of low-value loot on the ship as a way of determining if someone has sunk your ship via the "treasure donated" alert & clean out your ship so someone sinking you would get nothing. The Legend of the Sunken Kingdom voyage will have you following clues left behind by Humphrey the Hoarder and a Scholar who helped Humphrey bury his secrets. Place the medallion in the lock to unlock the door. !-Damron Out#SeaOfThieves #SunkenKingdom #BeMorePirate Shrine of Ancient Tears The first journal in the area can be found upon immediately venturing into the Shrine of Ancient Tears. The Shrine of Ancient Tears now has an increased timer after completion before its treasures once more become available to explorers. Walk around this path and light four torches at the corner of each side of the room. Set up: Sail to the Shrine of Ancient Tears & raise reapers mark to advertise that you want to do PVP TDM. You will be hunting down another medallion here to open the next Forbidden Key Alcove to retrieve the next Forbidden Key. Once you have stored all the treasure, you can exit via the Siren Windows or the Sunken Merfolk Statue. Learn how your comment data is processed. He's still starting out when it comes to making online content, but aside from his writing he can found on his Twitch page under the handle SpontaneousJames. Progressing further through the Shrine will reward pirates with more Treasure. check out our Siren Shrine journal locations guides here. Laying next to the altar is the journal. This staircase will lead you down to a large chamber with ancient structures. Once you step on one you'll hear a clicking sound which is your cue to get moving. The Chest of Everlasting Sorrow. Tis a place to glean further insight. Sail to the Shrine of Hungering in The Wilds and swim down to get inside the Shrine. Just get all the Journals. I can only hope some of the crew survived.The Sirens have been sleeping, for how long I cannot tell, but something has awoken them - and their Queen still rages for her lost love, who is forever just out of reach within this chest. After reaching the next platform that just became accessible, you will fight several Coral Skeletons. I finally know the fate of the Silver Blade and my hopes for the crew have been dashed.The Queen has turned it into a shrine for The Chest of Everlasting Sorrow, deep within her Sunken Kingdom.She will never forgive humans for what they did to her. While you had to complete most of the other two Shrines to reach the Forbidden Key Alcove, you only need to complete the beginning of this Shrine to unlock it. You can purchase the Voyage for 50 Doubloons. I wonder what happened to them. Head to the southwest side of the room to find a hole in the ground. Aye, we pirates do love a good tavern. Swim to the steps. Sea Of Thieves: How To Complete The Shrine Of Ancient Tears, How To Solve The Shrine's Puzzles And Find The Chest Of Ancient Tributes, Shrine Of Ancient Tears Journal Locations, Sea Of Thieves: How To Complete A Siren Treasury, Sea Of Thieves: How To Change Your Character. (In an enclosed area opposite the treasure vault in the Turtle Hallway.). You will need to have your lantern ready as you venture inside if you wish to uncover the secrets left behind. Having all four floor plates pressed simultaneously will open up the large stone door to the East on the second floor of the chamber, just left of the first ladder you climbed. The first journal can be found on the right side of this. You can find the Shrine of Hungering in The Wilds just North of Galleons Grave Outpost. You can only open it during The Legend of the Sunken Kingdom voyage as the medallion used to unlock it only appears during this voyage. Three Forbidden Keys are obtained during the Legend of the Sunken Kingdom Voyage. A chest that wept.One pirate named it the Chest of Everlasting Sorrow, which seems fitting, as those that come in contact with it seem to have nothing but sorrow.Dimitri, his whole crew and the Silver Blade have not been seen for months. Keep going up, jump across some coral platforms, and you'll find a room with a lever that has a blue water symbol in front of it. Along with being a gamer, she also loves playing with numbers and is a Master of Mathematics. A giant skeletal ribcage should lead the way. Shrine of Hungering. After uncovering the mysteries of each Shrine, you will be able to purchase The Legend of the Sunken Kingdom voyage from Larinna. The Shrine Of Ancient Tears is one of the most puzzle-heavy shrines as it requires a bit of thinking and lever-pulling to find the valuable loot hidden behind its locked doors, which includes the lucrative Chest Of Ancient Tributes. Pick up the Forbidden Key. You will now have lit eighttorcheswhich is required to open up a large stone door to the West side of the chamber you were just in, across from the room you are in now. Subscribe for more content: Sea of Thieves Playlist: Sea of Thieves Guide. Shrine of Hungering. The riddle will also mention that you must find a coin and place it by a door. Siren Shrines are Locations in the Sunken Kingdom which players can explore and solve puzzles within in search of treasure. Quickly run around the perimeter of the chamber, stepping on all four Floor Plates in quick succession. It is always found inside a Forbidden Coral Chest, which can be unlocked using three Forbidden Keys found throughout the voyage. This mural will inform what position the arms of the Siren Statues need to be in to solve the puzzle. 1. Follow the piles of gold leading away from the Forbidden Key Alcove to find the Gold Hoarders Medallion. The Mysterious Ancient Key is a large triangular Key acquired as a Quest Item during The Legend of the Sunken Kingdom voyage. However, exploring the entirety of a Siren Shrine and plundering all of its contents will not be an easy task. Read the journal to uncover another secret. The Ancients were content to leave the Mer to fend for themselves, but the chaining of the Old Mother, who the Sirens worshipped heavily, saw the Ancients get entangled in the war despite their efforts to avoid it. Ahoy Maties! Want to join in the merriment? If you interact with all three quickly, it will open the butterfly door and the butterfly column with the second journal you red with light. Tis a place to clap each other on the back. They must all be down at the same time to open the next door. Next, you will swim through a small tunnel to another Siren Window. Shrine Guide: Ancient Tears | All Journal Locations | Sea of Thieves Season 4 Guide HitboTC 130K subscribers Join Subscribe 491 Share Save 35K views 1 year ago #SeaofThieves. Ye will always find a hearty welcome at our table! Youll find the Forbidden Key Alcove on the first floor of the main chamber in the Shrine, just to the right of the stone altar. That's when tales of ships being dragged below by creatures that looked like the merfolk started to surface.I couldn't believe my ears, the merfolk wouldn't act this way. Follow the Golden Wayfinder compass to the island with the buried notes that have the key locations. The Breath of the Sea will only be there if you are on an active Coral Message in a Bottle voyage that leads you to this Shrine. The Shrine of Ancient Tears is one of the six Shrines found in the Sunken Kingdom. Swim past the journal, and youll end up in a smaller chamber filled with lots of treasure and sharks to kill. Read it, and you will uncover the first secret of the Shrine! You can either drain the well or swim down into the well to reach the journal. Use the newly opened path to climb back up to the main chamber where you were before. In the middle of the chamber, near the large well, is a stone altar. Now it is home to a shiver of sharks that wait for any fearless pirate to enter. It is used to unlock the hidden burial chamber within the Shrine of Ancient Tears. Once you arrive above the Shrine of Hungering, swim down and head to the Nord side of the Shrine, where a giant skeletal ribcage lays. The new note you collected from Humphrey will mention that a scholar has buried notes that lead to the keys we need for the chest. Youll notice one last door that is locked in the main chamber. You'll have to fiddle with ship parts to move platforms and jump across them to reach the highest areas of this shrine that contain the best treasure. Shrine of Flooded Embrace. The Shrine of Ocean's Fortune is one of the six Shrines found in the Sunken Kingdom. Go inside it and keep moving to find a small room with a butterfly, turtle, parrot, and crab rock painting. Head into the room with the four pillars for each animal symbol. To unlock the room, you will need to solve the Floor Plate Puzzle. You will receive one more Scholars Riddle when you pick up the key. The Shrine of Hungering is one of the six Shrines found in the Sunken Kingdom. During one of your many adventures to the Siren Shrines below the sea, you might have come across a mysterious locked door. It is the quest with the upside-down triangle symbol on it. You can now swim up to a platform in the chamber that has a geyser on it. Afterwards, climb up the stone staircase to the South-East side of the chamber and keep moving until you find the Strange Talesjournal.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[468,60],'ginx_tv-leader-1','ezslot_5',137,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-ginx_tv-leader-1-0'); Move back to the main chamber to activate the Floor Plate Puzzle and solve it to open a large stone door to the East on the second floor of the chamber. Read it to uncover the second secret of the Shrine! Store all the treasure you've found with the nearby Sunken Merfolk Statue and congratulate yourself on solving The Shrine Of Ancient Tears. check out our guide for The Legend of the Sunken Kingdom voyage here. Shrine of Ancient Tears' Journal02:01 - Drain Well03:00 - '2. How To Solve The Shrine Of Tribute And Find The Chest Of Ancient Tributes. Read it to uncover another secret of the Shrine! Once you have lit all thetorches, a large stone door in the room with the four animal columns will open up. Reading all five of the Umbras journals will unlock the Mystery of the Shrine of Ancient Tears commendation. Deep beneath the waves is a ship, split in twain, at the base of a large rock spire. This door leads to the Forbidden Ancient Chamber. The Ancients inhabiting the temple, helpless to do anything else, entombed her remains in the Eastern chamber and marked the location as a monument to her great sacrifice. Park your ship within the lights and dive into the water! In Ancient times, the Shrine of Ancient Tears was a place of reverence, where the Mer and Ancients would come to commune and hold meetings on various matters. This article contains information that may ruin your enjoyment of discovering the game's secrets for yourself. There will be a switch with a drawing of a circle and waves on the floor, and this lowers the water level for players to jump into the central pool. All who sail the Sea of Thieves will feel her wrath. Sail there, and look for the colorful lights above the water. In the turtle section, this journal can be found on the ground near one of the braziers you have to light. If lead to the Shrine by a Secret of the Sea parchment from a Coral Message in a Bottle, a Breath of the Sea can be found sitting on a throne somewhere within the Shrine. Collecting all journals will allow. Once in the Turtle Puzzle area, you can find the journal next to one of the Turtle levers tucked away in the back South West corner. Long ago, the Ancients would meet with the merfolk in sacred locations located throughout the Sea of Thieves. If you enter the correct answer, the water level will rise. 13.5K subscribers SEA OF THIEVES Shrine of Ancient Tears All Journals. Interact with all three levers to open the locked stone door. Swim to the base of the Shrine and on the Northside. There was an assembly in the bowels of the temple on the eve of the Whispering Plague's outbreak, the contents of which remains unknown. Now it is home to a shiver of sharks that wait for any fearless pirate to enter. Want to join in the merriment? There are a total of three levers. The Shrine of Hungering is one of the six Shrines found in the Sunken Kingdom. There are 6 different Shrines and 3 different treasuries as well as a special voyage. Above the coral platforms descending into the central chamber, there is the body of a conquistador entangled in rope carrying a still-burning lantern. You will need to ascend to the third floor of the Shrine, where you spin the mast around to climb to the top of the Shrine. Inside youll find treasure and a journal sitting on a barrel on the Southside of the room. When you pick up Scholars Notes, you will also receive the Scholars Riddle. Youll notice a pillar below each painted symbol. You can locate it on your Map Table at the coordinates N20. In this next area, you will need to find three turtle levers to interact with. Return of the Silver Blade. I've explored many bizarre and interesting places in my time, bu this has to be my favourite!Beautiful waterfalls, areas hidden away until you drain water from them, ancient doorways that open when you light torches, I love it!But this place has left me with so many questions. There are 5 journals scattered throughout the Shrine, written by Umbra. The combined power of the Ancients and the merfolk who locked him away has proven too much for her. Long ago, the Ancients would meet with the merfolk in sacred locations located throughout the Sea of Thieves. Tis a place to clap each other on the back. Place the Mysterious Ancient Key in the altar with the triangle cutout in it. It is next to the Ammo Chest, just right of the Gem Siren Statue on the Northside of the chamber. Sea of Thieves Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. The Scholars Note will warn you to stop your mission to find the keys as it will only lead to terrible danger. You can find Humphreys Notes in your Quest Radial. Damage the pink Coral Orb to open the Siren Window and head inside.
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