The Advanced Formula Editor is similar to using the formula bar, but it gives you more options. (Or design a copy treatment via Advanced Formula)Something like a Read statement in SAP ABAP. Option 1: INEFFICIENT This allows to limit the number of RESULTLOOKUP calls for the same values again and again, Example a : a single value as a variable (FLOAT @[fVariable] 64 bit or INTEGER @[fVariable] 32 bit), FLOAT @SumOfValue Therefore, I have built a very simplistic model and systematically tried to find out, in a kind of reverse engineering approach, how the advanced formulas work and there have been some surprises. Antoinehelps SAP Analytics Cloud customers get the bestout of the product, andworks with SAP engineering teams to create exciting innovations, connecting BI, planning, and predictive. It calculates the average value and moves it to each of the two periods. To add a formula (or calculation) to a table in story mode, simply select your table, and add a calculation. Wipro Sunbury-on-Thames, England, United Kingdom. This could happen if your model design drastically changed, with dimensions going from hundreds to thousands or millions of members, or with so many more new dimensions. Advanced formula action is defined as follow. Spa analytics cloud advanced formulas | SAP Community Search Questions and Answers Vote up 0 Vote down Ricardo Moreno Nov 10, 2021 at 02:32 PM Spa analytics cloud advanced formulas 175 Views Follow RSS Feed Hello, I have a scenario in a planning model where I have to copy the value throw several months in the furure, His focus is on SAP Analytics Cloud, analytics designer, and related planning use cases. Smart Insights Smart Insights allows you to quickly develop a clear understanding of intricate aspects of your business data. In this blog I want to share my work with you to save you trouble doing routine work and focus on actual understanding business requirements and advanced formula actions. *If you want to stay updated on SAP Data & Analytics best practices, best FOLLOW me 2 Actual v Budget variance analysis includes both employee expense & headcount (see below) System Requirements and Technical Prerequisites, Turn on Advanced Mode to Enhance Story with Advanced Features, Display Integration Variance Label with Base Label, Comment Widget Support for BW/BPC live data, Multi Actions: Enhancement to Support Arbitrary Public API (Field Mapping), SAP Analytics Cloud Android App Catalog Feature Support, SAP Analytics Cloud iOS App App Configuration for Delegating, data point commenting for BW/BPC live data, When adding a variance to a Bar Chart, there is a new configuration option to display Integrated Variances Labels with Base Labels, Integrated Variance Labels are shown outside of each bar and follows the positioning of the Base Label, When the configuration option is enabled, Integrated Variance Labels can now be shown in percentage or both number and percentage, There is an ability to show/hide the Total for Stacked Bar/Column Charts, Combination Stacked Bar/Column Charts, and Marimekko Charts, Net Totals (sum of positive and negative values) can be enabled in the Styling Panel for Stacked Bar/Column Charts and Combination Stacked Bar/Column Charts, There are separate styling and contextual formatting options for Totals and Net Totals via the Styling Panel. Read the original post. Read the original post. Now, the SAP.GETDATA formula can be used independent of a table. Suppose that one of your data action process, all of a sudden, becomes way more time consuming than before, even though the amount of data to be processed has not changed so much. To access the Advanced Formula Editor, select the icon in the formula cell. The rule for the left side is generalized from the rules above: In the example above, there is no aggregation and duplication. Cuando se ampla, se proporciona una lista de opciones de bsqueda para que los resultados coincidan con la seleccin actual. When I started working with advanced formulas I did it in the same way. Google aims to combine the breadth of the worlds knowledge with the power, intelligence, and creativity of our large language models. "Congratulation for the course! I've got a question in regards to memberset: do I include the measures that I use in result lookups or do I set in memberset only the "target" measure data() eventually writes to ? See the following article on Exception Aggregation in SAP Analytics Cloud: Applying Aggregation in SAP Analytics Cloud. Ability to use a graphical builder, a.k.a. Duplication is done for dimensions that are not specified with a single value on the left side, but for all operands on the right side. SAP Analytics Cloud runs on SAP HANA, so the core predictive features of SAP HANA are available, which includes the Automated Predictive Library (APL) and the Predictive Analysis Library (PAL). Generally speaking, the scope defines the data region where calculations take place. With Lookup, the dimensions defined in the Lookup formula dont need to be in the current drill state, and you can maintain more than one member in the filter expression. Many planning projects leverage the power of analytical applications to meet individual customer requirements. Introduction to SAP Analytics Cloud Content Viewing and Personalization Sharing, Collaborating, and Exporting Data Connections Data Preparation and Wrangling (Datasets and Models) Choosing Between a Dataset and a Model Getting Started With Datasets Acquiring Data for Your Datasets Wrangling, Mapping, and Transforming Data in Your Datasets Join criterium is the Date value. This is supported for Microsoft Intunes and VM Workspace ONE only. Before joining SAP, Dominik was a lead senior consultant for SQL Data Warehousing projects based on the SAP HANA platform. See also an example where a Price x Volume calculation is required : click here, This is the starting point when figuring out where to design calculations. Additional calculations in group planning models using advanced formulas in data actions and/or in GL account dimensions. "I really liked this course, this is great planning course." *SAP Data Warehouse Community: Advanced formulas). That allows me to consolidate the acquired knowledge and expose myself to the new possibilities to help my customers to make the right choices and get the best when they need to." Lets explore Calculated Dimensions first. In this case, data records are generated by multiplying the master data combinations, in this case 2 * 4 = 8. FOREACH (i.e. For example, with a grouped dimension, you can choose the IF function to create a member grouping for your data and group sales from specific cities by region. 1: Pointing to dimension members in a balanced way This update adds new tracing features to simplify development and validation of data actions and advanced formulas. Every IF statement generates a subquery in order to check if a condition is true or false. What is the best way to learn about new features and functions in #sapanalyticscloud in Q1 2023 for planning and analytics 1 Watch Q1 2023 update Mark P Burke en LinkedIn: SAP Analytics Cloud: Q1 2023 Product Updates How about you: loops) statements must be used for recursive use cases only. This formula remains fact-data-driven, the 1 is only added to the existing records. NB: We suppose here that ShortTermAsset is not broken down by flow members, Data([d/Account]=Asset_Subtotal) = RESULTLOOKUP( [d/Account]=ShortTermAsset) + RESULTLOOKUP([d/Account] =LongTermAsset, [d/Flow]=Closing), Option 2: RECOMMENDED We looked at creating formulas in modeler and the advantages of that, but you can also create formulas in story mode as well. SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC), add-in for Microsoft Office (Excel) Christoph has held several roles in consulting and sales, and is an ambassador for SAP's planning solutions. This provides me with a way better understanding of calculation scope and logic. Spreads are performed on demand. Week 1: Core Planning The course is free. This will enable users to start building the story in standard mode, and then switch to the advanced mode to leverage more advanced features such as scripting and eventing, CSS, advanced widgets, etc. But after a short time, I felt that the trial and error part still was too big. IF with RESULTLOOKUP may feel counterintuitive: The more restrictive the condition, i.e. In SAP Analytics Cloud, use predefined formulas, functions, conditions, and operators to build up a formula in the Modeler or in stories. Este botn muestra el tipo de bsqueda seleccionado. The Data Action will be scheduled to be executed on an hourly basis. if your calculation only needs to run on booked values, then use FOREACH.BOOKED statement. Googler | Tech Enthusiast | ISVs | Head in the , Introducing Bard! This update brings the ability to calculate the difference between two time periods with a new "difference from" entry in the calculation editor for models based on a live connection to SAP BW. #sapbtp #sapdatawarehousecloud #sapanalyticscloud #sac #bestpractice Axel, Alerting is not available for unauthorized users, Right click and copy the link to share this comment, Applying Aggregation in SAP Analytics Cloud,,, Now, they can map the fields in the API step directly, making API steps more robust and flexible to use. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Ive introduced another variable member #NUM which counts the number of planned periods. Data([d/Account]=Asset_Subtotal2) = RESULTLOOKUP( [d/Account]=OtherShortTermAsset, [d/Flow]=#) + ( RESULTLOOKUP([d/Account] =LongTermAsset1, [d/Flow]=Closing) + RESULTLOOKUP([d/Account] =LongTermAsset2, [d/Flow]=Closing) + RESULTLOOKUP([d/Account] =LongTermAsset3, [d/Flow]=Closing) ). Remark: Lookup versus ResultLookup And very important the fact-data-driven approach still wins: Otherwise we would have got 34 and 304 as a result. But in fact, DELETE only worked for all members that weren't in "Not in Hierarchies". Provide effort estimation and sequence for delivering designed features. 11 years ago I started with BPC standard script logic. There are other kinds of calculations you can make in the calculation editor: You can also create Calculated Dimensions in story mode. Have a read of how Blue Diamond uses the integrated planning solutions of Integrated Business Planning with SAP Analytics Cloud to realise these benefits and more #sap #sapanalyticscloud #planning, Business transformation through organisational design, enterprise architecture, portfolio management & digitisation | innovation, A lot has changed since my SAP BW 1.2 certification back in 2000 Remember Dieter Laevers ? It is initiated by the MEMBERSET() function. Advanced formula action is defined as follow: Note: I improved the script using more performance efficient statement CARRYFORWARD instead of FOREACH. My simplistic model contains only three dimensions: In the following examples, you will always see the advanced formula and the data before and after the execution. On this page, you will find helpful information, best practices, and enablement resources to help you with your learning journey. E.g. ENDFOR Lets look at an example of creating a numeric chart with a simple conversion formula. As in example 2, we now leave out two of the dimensions and the formula automatically expands to a whole data slice. In this case, instead of pointing to individual members (and therefore creating more DATA() functions on several lines of instructions), you should try to leverage where possible member properties which can significantly reduce the number of DATA() instructions, while producing the exact same output (see an example further down in this document). Experience. This asymmetric assignment leads to an aggregation: For each Date value, the quantity for all the Dim1 members (#, A1, A2, A3) is aggregated and written to Dim1 = #. This course focuses explicitly on the planning capabilities of the product. MEMBERSET [d/ACCOUNT] = REVENUE, FOREACH.BOOKED [d/DATE] What is the best way to learn about new features and functions in #sapanalyticscloud in Q1 2023 for planning and analytics 1 Watch Q1 2023 update LinkedIn Mark P Burke : SAP Analytics Cloud: Q1 2023 Product Updates Very often, the different parts of the calculation are stored on different levels. DATA([d/FLOW] = F_CLOSE) = Leveraging Variables is often a good idea when some data element will be re-used multiple times. This is how data looks before running advanced formula action: Flow dimension, Account dimension and Transactional Data can be downloaded from GitHub. : SAC Reporting, SAC Planning, SAP BW, SAP BPC, SAP HANA. This course was rated with 4.55 stars in average from 1126 votes. . Define the scope of data required for subsequent calculations properly by using MEMBERSET() statements to preload data in a dedicated memory space. You can find more details on these features in your In-App Help Guide for FastTrack customers and see this. Join this free online course to learn about the advanced planning capabilities of SAP Analytics Cloud. You simply can use the BASEMEMBER function within the IF, e.g. On the right side of the Editor, you will see three types of Formula Functions: In the image below, the Functions menu is expanded to show all the available functions. Please download the latest version of the Simple Deployment Kit from Service Marketplace. Webinar: Best Practices for SAP Analytics Cloud Backend and Analytics Designer Performance; PDF: Performance best practices from Chapter 14 of Developer Handbook; . We used this approach when building the content package Integrated Financial Planning for SAP S/4HANA. And check out ourSAP Road Map Explorerto see more upcoming features of SAP Analytics Cloud. What happens when we add a constant in addition? However, there is one fundamental difference which you will fully recognize in the next chapter and which has enormous impact on the performance: This formula is only calculated based on the existing fact data, master data combinations are not generated in the background. SAP Analytics Cloud is a software-as-a-service (SaaS) offering that combines business intelligence, enterprise planning, and augmented analytics. Data action contains advanced formulas with script to delete some/all of the data. Read the original post. In the next step, we will work with several RESULTLOOKUPs on the right side. "How to use Base Member (Hierarchy ) in the Result look up statement". Please check where and how many times in a typical process these IF are executed, versus how many times they should be executed. Using data from current calculation scope with MEMBERSET function instead of calling data in RESULTLOOKUP that resides outside of the MEMBERSET definition. Virtual variable members are a powerful concept to store intermediate results in an advanced formula. Although not required, you may upgrade to the latest SAP Analytics Cloud agent version1.0.372to take advantage of all data acquisition types. Advanced and Predictive Analytics (APA) Software Market Segment by Manufacturers, this report covers: International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) SAS Institute Microsoft Corporation SAP. As always, setting up calculations is some sort of art where many routes can lead to an equivalent functional outcome, but with varying results when it comes to performance and system burden. Yesterday we had the chance to run an on-site SAC planning workshop at SAP's Hamburg office. ENDFOR. Connect with experts, ask questions, post blogs, find resources, and more. Two sources are better than one! MEMBERSET [d/Product] = (PRD0001,PRD0002,PRD0003), VARIABLEMEMBER #SumOfSales OF [d/Account] The Catalog is now supported on the SAP Analytics Cloud mobile Android app, closing feature parity with iOS. What is the best way to learn about new features and functions in #sapanalyticscloud in Q1 2023 for planning and analytics 1 Watch Q1 2023 update 6. Best regards This site uses cookies and related technologies, as described in our privacy statement , for purposes that may include site operation, analytics, enhanced user experience, or advertising. This is not correct as IF with RESULTLOOKUP is fact data driven and there is no fact data for Quantity for Dim1 = # and A3. Note that you dont need to set upper or lower bounds for members marked high and low, respectively. : 2-3 years working with SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) in either Reporting or Planning. Nice document. Alerting is not available for unauthorized users, Right click and copy the link to share this comment, Show/Hide Totals and Display New Totals in Stacked Visualizations, Handle Overlapping Content and Allow Several Models per Sheet, This feature is available to customers as of February 8, This blog post only provides a high-level overview of the latest features and enhancements of SAP Analytics Cloud. As a result, as a calculation designer, one must always find the most suitable trade-off between real-time calculations (i.e. Both functions call a subset of a specific region of the data model. Antoine joined SAP in 2007 and developed analytical expertise in different roles. Can you throw some light on this. Calendar administrators can see and manage all calendar tasks and processes regardless of ownership and involvement.. Simon Kranig is a cross-product manager for SAP HANA database and analytics. Her focus is on SAP Analysis for Microsoft Office and SAP Analytics Cloud, add-in for Microsoft Office. The only difference is that the data in its corresponding data slices disappears after execution of the data action. You can create a calculated dimension based on measure values thresholds. Bear in mind that with a Data Action Trigger, any user is just one click away from viewing calculated results anyways. Besides planning, Holger has a background in data management and analytics (SAP BW and SAP HANA). Velvetjobs. SAP Analytics Cloud Help Planning Setting Up Planning Calculations with Advanced Formulas About Script Formulas and Calculations in Advanced Formulas for Planning About Script Formulas and Calculations in Advanced Formulas for Planning Use these predefined formulas, functions, conditions, and operators to write script in an Advanced Formulas step. You may create a calculated dimension when you want to link dimensions together or group them, using the Formula Functions available in the screenshot above. I was looking for a similar document since i am not from program background. While this is true, its much more than that. Nick Verhoeven, Iver van de Zand, Patrick Maroney, Steve Bickerton, Kevin McConnell, Pras Chatterjee, Tom Chelednik, Scott Godfree, Solution Manager for Planning and Analytics at SAP, The QRC1 2023 release of #sapanalyticscloud is almost upon us and our Product Experts have compiled a video of all the amazing features coming your way with our latest update. Copyright |
But today I compare script logic with advanced formula and looks like script logic is much better . Your feedback is important to help us improve our knowledge base. Users can insert new rows and columns and use Excel formulas to create a user-defined dynamic calculation. Chen Nee Faulhaber is a cross-product manager for SAP HANA database and analytics, specializing in SAP Analytics Cloud. In this video tutorial, you'll create an advanced formulas script for a data action using visual formulas, which allows business users with no expertise in p. How about you: Take your Employee-related expenses from E.g. the more dimensions are included in the RESULTLOOKUP, the more data is affected if the condition is fulfilled. It helps everyone in your organization make decisions without doubt with trusted insights and integrated plans. Terms of use |
Its helpful to think about what question you are trying to answer with this calculation to determine your dimension context. Complementary learning opportunities exist in the form of openSAP Podcasts and openSAP Microlearning. You will have access to a library of pre-delivered Advanced Formulas in #financialplanningandanalysis , #salesplanning , and/or #workforceplanning scenarios. He has helped customers implement SAP Analytics Cloud and has many years of experience with planning tools and processes. This means that the 1 is added to all the members and then aggregated. How do you learn about Advanced Formulas in a SAC business scenario Become certified with SAP Analytics Cloud using our free SAP Learning Journeys! If you want to discover more best practices, please check out these blogs as well: Week 4: Building Custom Planning Applications When inserting a chart, select + Click to Create a New Calculation. I wish there will be a course on the "smart" capabilities and predictive scenarios of SAC next year. " Regarding supported features and required updates for live universe access through SAP BusinessObjects Live Data Connect with SAP Analytics Cloud, refer to SAP Note 2771921 for further details. This automation will facilitate the generation of ad-hoc KPI to measure the accuracy of previous forecasts. Below you find information how setup it in your system. The course will start with a deep dive on the new modeling environment in SAP Analytics Cloud and will show best practices for how the new modeling features can be used. The amount of data to be processed is therefore much bigger. Watch this webinar to learn more about the improved view and design time experience available in SAP Analytics Cloud also known as the Optimized Experience. Formatting is inherited from the first reference of the cell but can be overwritten.
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