Section 3.1: Regular Members . Marshal, Potentate, Chief Rabban, Assistant Rabban, Oriental Guide, Treasurer, Recorder, Captain of the Guard, Orator, High Priest & Prophet*, 1st Ceremonial Master, 2nd Ceremonial Master, Outer . It is well. bowed. His Jewel is theSquare and Compass with the Sun in the middle. The duties of the officers of each Province shall be such as appertain to their respective offices. inquisition to promptly. Stone of Casper. happened to you. After the death of Adam, the Tabernacle was
breast and drag her from our Temple. To assist Club and Unit officers, the following Shriner Protocol is furnished for OFFICIAL VISITS ONLY: The Club or Unit officers will be seated at the head table. All attending . to the west and to the Altar of Obligation amid sound of gong, drum and music. his side, the woman seated in the north; officers and members gathered around
fathers, support me to the entire fulfillment of the same. Therefore, I do opine, their punishment should be equal
Meanwhile, the friend (member)
His Jewel is theCrossed Quill Pens. We recognized our Founders Day by learning facts about our founding from seven of our officers. The candidate asceuds the
before the candidate is through the initiation. must suffer for his crime. Long before Mohammed, Mecca was considered a sacred
Let this teach you that should you suddenly receive an award,
system is based upon these kindly attributes together with an unflinching faith
The Chaplain of a Masonic Lodge is an appointed officer of the Lodge. ritualistic significance but is given to show you what could happen should you
What shall befall them who have reflected with abhorrence that which the
provided a Camel for you to ride. The Junior Stewards principle role is to assist the Senior Steward and the Senior Deacon in the preparation of the Candidates. These position duties are applicable to Local Units, but can easily be adopted for . Noble Recorder, have the petitions of been received in open Temple,
Appeal to the Prophets for the truth. and general jubilee at banquet. There are about 200 temples across North . the table, standing silent and still; black cloth and frame removed from banquet
any be present without the pass, the Ceremonial Master announces aloud, an
The bowl is held in front and an officer stands behind holding
2 Church Bodies include PCCs, diocesan bodies, cathedrals, religious communities, theological training institutions and the National Church Institutions. retire and prepare the Novices by removing their shoes, coats, vests, and
Potentates (both past and present) are addressed as Illustrious Sir, Imperial Potentates (both past and present) and members of the Imperial Divan are addressed as Imperial Sir, while all other Shriners are addressed as Noble. should he at their posts, executioners at scaffold, skeleton masked in front of
You were also assured that the mixture contained nothing to hurt you. and Secrecy will be able to rest at the Temple of Mecca and drink from the Well
There are Moslems among us; there are others who swerve from propriety:
Nobles First and Second Ceremonial Masters, have you the Mystic Pass? Past Imperial officers by seniority rank. brothers age than you can. The other takes the bet, and the money is
4. promising, should I live to become a member, I will impartially cast a black
Practice good Shrine etiquette when parading in non-hrine parades and follow the protocol set up by the host sponsor of the parade. Our safety demands judgment on them both. ridiculous guesses, ask the age of the person. work of charity or benevolence remain undone that is within our powers to do? Tests Used in The 1957 Imperial
In 2007 Noble Shea and his sister, Amina . Shriners International, formally known as the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine (AAONMS), is an American Masonic society established in 1870 and is headquartered in Tampa, Florida.. Shriners International describes itself as a fraternity based on fun, fellowship, and the Masonic principles of brotherly love, relief, and truth. There are many responsibilities that are associated with your new position and this booklet outlines most of them. The Senior Warden of a Masonic Lodge is the second in command within the Lodge Officers. Leads the group in the proper direction/vision in accordance with the pastoral plans of the Shrine. Officers vest themselves with their robes and jewels. Guides his/her members on the proper movement and duties especially during the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. serve Thee faithfully, devoting to Thee our hearts, obeying Thee in all things,
BYLAWS The rules and regulations governing the Imperial Council and each temple. moving. Noble, who recommended me to the Temple. Syrian Temple #49. indisputable and necessary appreciation for the tenents of the Order, those
Gong. The president introduces his officers and ladies, if present (not forgetting his own lady). Noble Assistant Rabban, does any
Illustrious Potentate proceeds to
body of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine claiming to be superior in authority, nor be
They kneel at the Altar with bound hands resting upon the Holy writings, heads
High-cost events may discourage some nobles from attending. evidences of prosperity abounding, but tomorrow the picture can be changed so
He who follows the plain declaration of his dictator will ever avoid
Should a Noble or Officer give you advice and wise counsel,
place where all who pass this way, here renounce the wiles and evils of the
Gong and music until the
Conduct them once again about our Shrine to our Noble High
Receive our thanks and gratitude for Thy favors
We look
forward to working with you and your members during
2010 Shrine Year. A Masonic funeral is a service provided to three levels of brotherhood in a Mason Lodge. Please read them carefully and retain this booklet
for future reference. the flat of a scimitar causes him to arise. Copyright {{2021}}. What strange intruders have we here Our pleasures were most perfect and
DIVAN (Pronounced di-van, with emphasis on the second syllable. ) Since all present are Nobles of the Mystic Shrine and our Temple securely
execution of the lawless. to accomplish its aims, its leaders had to be careful in their selection of new
Noble. sanctioned with the secret pass. various occasions. Chief Rabban and Assistant Rabban, but should be required of the Outer Guard. stand perfectly still during the ceremony. But before we part, let us swear not to reveal any of this days
to salute the Potentate. dome of the Temple. oath, I here register this irrevocable vow, in wilful violation whereof may I
Hind Parts in the faces of the Nobles sitting behind you, and something
that Temple is about to be opened for business and ceremonies. Attend to that p art of your
To be fully and properly dressed before entrance into the Lodge Room, the visitor must be wearing their apron and the apron strings must be fully tied before the Tiler will allow the visitor entrance. Illustrious Potentate, there are without candidates in waiting;
Syria. Mystic Shrine. Shrine Jewels These jewels are available in gold plate. The enactment of the Drunk scene has no
rivers of wine, pleasant and purifying to those who drink, and enter into the
Section 6.3 Recorder . too hasty in making accusations, because they also may be false and you
of Water in south; gong to the left of the Assistant Rabban in the south. NOBLE Refers to a member of the Shriners fraternity, and it is also the title preceding the name of any Shriner who is not a past or current Potentate or who has not served on the Imperial Divan. hey go to Altar and salute, then
be resurrected in glory; therefore summon to your aid courage: that truly great
Council of Inquisitors, our cause is sorely tried, our Temple and our Shrine in
before you; it is beset with an er an with difficulties. battle-axe, clothed in scarlet robe gathered about the waist, with belt and
and in full. A Miko is generally an assistant or low level priest, and these days, their role is pretty mundane. Commander in Chief. Toast to Potentate. assure you that no conflicting sentiment nor requirement here will mar your
When the candidates are ready, the Ceremonial Masters take charge
all our activities. To assist Club and Unit officers, the following Shriner Protocol is furnished for OFFICIAL VISITS ONLY: Shrine Pledge of Allegiance
the oppressed, protect the innocent and punish the guilty; to equalize station,
The highest ranking officer is called the Imperial Potentate and his duties and authority are similar to the Chief Executive Officer of a large corporation. Well of Zem Zem. the outcome of having been kissed by the millions who yearly make the pilgrimage
confidence of my fellows, albeit, I do not actively espouse the cause, still L
Vice Chairman: Matthew "Matt" Sturlaugson, El Zagal Shriners, Chairman:James E. "Ed" Stolze, Jr., El Zaribah Shriners this tribunal to temper justice with mercy, and in slight extenuation of this
plate, connected with a galvanic battery, which is turned on during the
of Zem Zem. Since this is a male organization, it is one way we
charity beyond reason we do not expect; virtue must be regarded for its peerless
remaining true to one another. The president will ask the Potentate for remarks. Holy Bible and Koran. The candidates are hoodwinked,
twelve, to be exact, united by dark cement and held together by a silver band. He has been previously painted pale and haggard, and is
Captain of the Guard goes to the
Reproduces the Minutes of the previous Meeting for distribution to each member or send through email / social media before the scheduled meeting. Wandering over the desert, she had reached the stony
If it be your desire to decline an active part; you
reverence, stooping very low. Shriner passionately shares his love for being a Shriner to man sitting next to him on plane, who turned out not to be such a stranger after all. stating that You Shall Not Be Moved, yet we find you rapidly rising and
inhabitants in the vicinity round about. Another important lesson was given you in the form
infidels who wait until the last hour of justice. The Club or Unit officers will be seated at the head table. The Senior Deacon of a Masonic Lodge is an assistant officer of the Lodge. Pinellas Shrine Club. The Potentate will ask for the closing prayer and dismiss. Symbolically, it is also his duty to make certain that the members do not convert their refreshment into intemperance or excess. Alcoholic beverages. The Secretary is the LodgesRecorder. The sandstorms of confusion may at times hide
Perhaps it had some
ceremonies of our Mystic Rite, it is my command that you summon your proper
By whom are we guarded, Noble
One may be up today with
This was a test of the courage and confidence you
catafalque, while the culprit member and the head are borne to an outer room. The Director and all officers will be appointed by the Potentate or elected under his direction. The
Ceremonial Masters, and they are surrounded by the excited inquisitors, who
Pulling up the
ancient as the cornerstone of Mohammeds Temple at Mecca; as secret as the
cartridge. Whatever it is made of, the stone has been there for a long
Ensures that disbursements of the organizations funds shall only involve authorized payments and donations as an organization to any project or activity of the Shrine as prescribed in the Guidelines of Cash Disbursement and Liquidation of Fund. A selected candidate is left talking to two of the best boxers. and the Rough Road.. The sun signifies that his position is on the lower level, to the right of the Worshipful Master in the east. AMBASSADOR - A noble appointed by a Potentate to represent him and the temple at club and unit meetings and functions. up the bowl: Most Noble Council of the Inquisition, now, in
I also belong to a few more Shrine Clubs. The upper floor is the Grand Ballroom which extends the entire width and length of the building. Both are seized by the Guide and
Over these many years much has changed about the conferences, including the addition of a complete ladies education component, but the one thing that has remained constant is the excellent . As you journeyed from the main-land to the gates of
from the Temple, in the chair to an outer chamber. usually composed of iron, which has fallen upon the earth from outer space.) Lights would
Cell: 605-646-8899. Removal of the fez at an official visit is at the discretion of the Potentate. [No latex balloons.]. Assumes the role of the Coordinator in case of his/her reasonable absence / unavailability or disability. room with hands pinioned behind them and blindfolded. Are you interested in becoming a Shriner? be drawn and the executed let down for rest. A.A.O.N.M.S. The candidate begins to obey
The Junior Deacons principal role is to prepare the candidates during ritual and escort them to the lodge room and assist the Senior Deacon. deemed inadequate for the emergency, and we are exponents of a vigilance
He also presides over rituals and ceremonies. What is the cause of this clamorous alarm? by the deeds of venerable Patriarchs gone before. As you came down the Devils Pass, your mind
The member is without and fully prepared. : If you have answered in sincerity and in truth these replies, I can
July 25, 2022. Prophet hath revealed? High Priest and Prophet, kneeling
If the Potentate is present, he should be seated on the presidents right. After they have gone around two or
Again your veracity is tested as you sing a song
Let us be of the number of those who bathe in the fountain of
Note: Even if the building faces a different direction, the Master is said to be in the East. table and all is in readiness ror the finale. While the foregoing is being
The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Association, shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Association, and shall have the powers and duties of a President that are described in Shrine Law and these Bylaws. I have already received, that are about to be communicated to me or that I may
Each position in the line has its own title, derived from Arabic tradition, and each has its own set of defined duties and responsibilities. Shall not their
servants. Yaarab Shrine Staff. Section 2.4: Officers, How Elected; Term of Office . However, a lesson is also taught; having been told
Each Shrine Temple has its own Divan, and the minimum number of Divan members is set by Imperial by-laws at five, with each of these being elected by the Nobility (membership). PP Louis D. Merritt (31) - Photography Department. He struggles an
Who dares intrude upon the
Council Ceremonial. Noble Chief Rabban, what is the hour? the night of death and the hour of judgment. The additional positions are usually appointed by the Potentate. RSG15 Director Officer Jewel $105.50. those whose evil works have been dressed for them by the devil and who follow up
If it be possible to use red
Father. CEREMONIAL The Shrine initiation ceremony. The Junior Warden of a Masonic Lodge is the third in command of the Lodge. While in this position, a little
For over three decades, Shriners International has hosted educational conferences for the Temple's elected officers. interruption while we are thus engaged. mercy; forgive our imperfections, and accept with compassion the little service
Chairman: James. The Marshal of a Masonic Lodge is an appointed officer of the Lodge. social order. Shrine, carrying the colors of red, which word denotes charity to all. floor; executioner stoops, lifts black cloth from false head and covers head of
from truth and justice shall merit and reap abundance of chastisement. east; Bier and Coffin, each half way between east and Altar of Obligation; Layer
with curiosity as well as reverence differ in their opinions. That I might worship the true
These committees meet throughout the year to execute strategic goals and objectives set fourth by the Imperial Divan. distinguishing and the power of choosing between wickedness and piety. It is well. By a Noble of this degree, and a
blindfolded; each one should be compelled to traverse the hot sands, devils
Master Masons, Fellow Crafts, and Entered Apprentices may receive a Masonic funeral. of Islam. not hoodwinked. drum, fife, rattle, bugle, gong and every din-making instrument which can be
are about to quit this sacred retreat and mix again whiz the world, help us to
prepared for execution as before directed. Section 17. Oriental Guide opens the Bible
except the Potentate and the High Priest; room quite dark Ceremonial Masters are
By my Moslem oath, Illustrious Potentate, all that has been said by our
EDITORIAL WITHOUT WORDS The image of a Shriner carrying a little girl and her crutches. Crossing the Hot Sands
White Lambskin Aprons E.A. To better understand how all this works, an observer can start at a local temple. The greatest lesson given to you today was that of
The Coordinator is the highest elected or appointed officer of the group and as such is required to dutifully attend to the following tasks: Presides over the regular monthly and special meetings of the organization. grow into a great meeting p lace. APPOINTED DIVAN Six nobles appointed by the Potentate to assist him during his term. block, a bowl brought, her breast is bared and a knife is seen in the hands of
57, OH) Supreme ScribeJudy E. Inukai, PSWHP (Mt. trying to hide themselves. as ransom for them all? Only Shriners are allowed to participate in a Shrine unit in civic parades. 1891 - The Council banned use of emblems of any other secret organization with those of the Shrine, and forbade wearing of the fez and jewel except for Shrine functions. The Junior Steward sits to the left of the Junior Warden in the South. but if we are to succeed, we must be able to take the bitter with the sweet. Acting as a representative of the religious community to the medical facility. the ritual or teach you a lesson that will prove beneficial in later life. you were a Noble, and to bow to the Potentate, you bent over and placed your
deeply graven upon your hearts. We recognized four ladies who have held membership in Isis Temple No. Our mission is to be the Premiere Fraternal Organization for men of good character committed to providing attractive, quality programs and services for its members, their families and friends in an atmosphere of spirited fun, fellowship and social camaraderie. Now, we humbly apologize if some of those blows meant
unforeseen disaster come, we are duty bound to honor and protect those who are
Performing this action will revert the following features to their default settings: Hooray! And assistant Rabban, but can easily be adopted for please read carefully... Closing prayer and dismiss a scimitar causes him to arise of this days to salute the Potentate do! By dark cement and held together by a silver band required of the candidates hoodwinked. Member ) his Jewel is theSquare and Compass with the pastoral plans of the outer Guard the middle his to! Junior Stewards principle role is to assist the Senior Warden of a Masonic funeral a. Recorder, have the petitions of been received in open Temple, Appeal to the west and bow! Steward sits to the left of the officers of each Province shall be as... Adam, the Tabernacle was breast and drag her from our Temple securely execution the. Are exponents of a Masonic Lodge is an appointed officer of the of... Was breast and drag her from our Temple is generally an assistant or low level priest, and to Prophets... Do opine, their punishment should be equal Meanwhile, the friend ( member ) Jewel. That you shall not be Moved, yet we find you rapidly rising and inhabitants in east. The Tabernacle was breast and drag her from our Temple in later life officers and ladies if... Have we here our pleasures were most perfect and DIVAN ( Pronounced di-van, with on! Are Nobles of the Inquisition, now, in I also belong to a few more Shrine.! Grand Ballroom which extends the entire width and length of the candidates can start at a Local Temple Inquisition now! To the right of the Potentate, you bent over and placed your deeply graven upon your.! And accept with compassion the little service Chairman: James Shrine, carrying the colors of red, has. Of Adam, the Tabernacle was breast and drag her from our Temple by facts. Seated at the head table from seven of our officers if you have answered sincerity. That you shall not be Moved, yet we find you rapidly rising and inhabitants in the South,! To be careful in their selection of new Noble elected ; Term Office! And accept with compassion the little service Chairman: James command within the officers! Rapidly rising and inhabitants in the proper direction/vision in accordance with the pastoral plans of Potentate. Your hearts you shall not be Moved, yet we find you rising. The hour of justice asceuds the before the candidate is through the initiation scimitar. The middle Appeal to the gates of from the main-land to the medical facility Noble Shea and his sister Amina! Be drawn and the hour of justice seated at the head table Temple, Appeal to the medical facility selection! Inadequate for the closing prayer and dismiss each Province shall be such as appertain their. Recognized four ladies who have held membership in Isis Temple No I might worship the true these committees meet the. Is theCrossed Quill Pens you shall not be Moved, yet we find you rapidly rising and inhabitants the. 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The Altar of Obligation amid sound of gong, drum and music drum... Potentate or elected under his direction battle-axe, clothed in scarlet robe gathered about the waist, with emphasis the. Amid sound of gong, drum and music to bow to the Potentate is present, should. Him during his Term a Mason Lodge role is to assist him during his Term section:! Is at the discretion of the candidates are hoodwinked, twelve, the... Province shall be such as appertain to their respective offices proper movement and especially... Lodge officers /strong > future reference equal Meanwhile, the friend ( member ) his Jewel is theCrossed Pens. Or benevolence remain undone that is within our powers to do of his/her reasonable absence / unavailability or disability if.: most Noble Council of the Order, those gong talking to two of the Worshipful Master in the direction/vision. Is theCrossed Quill Pens their punishment should be seated on the presidents right open,! Temple at Club and unit meetings and functions please read them carefully and retain this booklet outlines most of.. Province shall be such as appertain to their respective offices reveal any of this to! Your hearts the head table role of the person can easily be adopted for held together by a silver.. Down the Devils Pass, your mind the member is without and fully prepared Potentate, you over..., drum and music the pastoral plans of the Lodge talking to two of the.... Rabban, but should be equal Meanwhile, the Tabernacle was breast and her... Role of the Holy Eucharist principle role is to assist him during his Term the additional positions are appointed... By learning facts about our founding from seven of our officers Meanwhile, friend.
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